Review: Hunt the Dawn by Abbie Roads (Fatal Dreams #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Sourcebooks Casablanca via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

With his mind's camera he captured a picture of her and tucked it away, knowing it would be an image he would cherish until the last feeble beat of his heart. Before he'd met her, he'd resigned himself to being alone. To never sharing intimacy with a woman. But here she was--an eccentric combination of fragility, strength, and beauty. His miracle.

One of my favorite reads--and what I consider the best urban fantasy release--this year was the debut of Abbie Roads's Race the Darkness, the first in her Fatal Dreams series. Imagine my joy at the fact that I didn't have to wait for months on end for the publication of the second novel, Hunt the Dawn, which is the story of Lathaniel Montgomery, whose genetic code led to the over-development of his brain's olfactory regions, giving him the unique ability to sense scent memories or SMs. Lathan was briefly introduced in the series starter. His paired in book two with Evanee Brown, who herself has ties to the Stone family that owns and heads the Ohio Institute of Oneirology (OIO), which scientifically studies and researches dreams. Evanee's nightmares are nothing new, but when they began to crossover into reality after she meets Lathan, the connection they shared from the moment their hands clasped together after her rescued her from a lifelong tormentor reaches a different, metaphysical level. Just like its predecessor Hunt the Dawn was an intoxicatingly mind-boggling read unlike any other before it.

Lathan Montgomery is a special skills consultant with the FBI, using his special ability to put together profiles of unsubs or unknown subjects wanted for certain crimes. When he rescues Evanee Brown off the side of the road, they become attached to one another in more ways than one. He's immediately protective of her and she of him, but it is how her nightmares have allowed her to bring items that turn out to be evidence in open cases the bureau is investigating once she's with Lathan that irrevocably links them even more. Both Lathan and Evanee have had childhoods that they would rather forget, but while Evanee is a bit more forthcoming, Lathan is extremely hesitant to share anything, mostly wanting to avoid any sort of pity coming from the woman that has quickly and is increasingly meant more to him than anyone else before her. As Lathan and Evanee work together to try to find clues and evidence that will bring them closer to the identity of a serial killer known as the Strategist, they'll have to stay one step ahead or else risk losing one another to those who want nothing more than to break them apart.

I loved how intense this novel was and how it refused to let go of my attention from the moment it grabbed hold of it from the first chapter. The role that the story of Bear and Fearless--which should be familiar to those who have read Race the Darkness--plays here is only one of the things that ties both books in the series together. I'm always a fan of books in a series that are able to give me that full circle moment, where I feel the connection without having to be too much of a good thing. Lathan's and Evanee's respective back stories are heartbreaking to discover, and while their pasts did play roles in adulthood, neither are victims, choosing to be survivors who have moved on and taken longer strides when they were together, highlighting the story arc of fated destinies and the healing power of love. I'm not entirely sure if this is the end of the series--what with a new series coming out next year--but while I am curious about a couple of supporting characters, I'm okay if it is the end because there are no loose ends. I'm highly recommending both books in the Fatal Dreams series. Five-plus stars go to Hunt the Dawn. ♥


Read my reviews for the Fatal Dreams series:

Race the Darkness (book one) - five-plus stars - My Review

Hunt the Dawn (book two) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 10 December 2016

Learn more about Abbie Roads.

Purchase Hunt the Dawn on Sourcebooks | Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


  1. OMG!!! Thanks so much for the awesome review! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! So happy! Woot! Woot!

    And... There will be at least one more book in the series. I'm writing it right now! It's Thomas and Heleena's story!

    Thanks so much for the 5+Stars!

    1. Awww! You're welcome! Thank YOU for writing such awesome books. :)

      And woohoo on another book to be added to the series. Thomas and Gage were the two supporting characters I was talking about in my review and I'm thrilled Thomas gets a book. Wheeeee!


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