Review: The Wrong Kind of Angel by Ruby Moone

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

The Wrong Kind of Angel is a holiday novella written by Ruby Moone and it's the tale of two lonely men who find the warmth of love and acceptance during the wintry days leading to Christmas. After resigning his commission, Captain Charles Farrington decides to make a home for himself in a quaint village near the coast of North Yorkshire. At thirty-two, people around him have hinted it's time he open his home--and heart--to a significant other. In their world, it's about finding a wife; Charles, however, knows all too well that he's never going to find a woman to warm his bed or to bear him children. His needs and wants can only be met by another man, but he knows how dangerous--and criminal--it would be should he ever give in to his desires too often. But when a disheveled young man, chilled to the bone, knocks on his front door, declaring Charles an angel before giving him a kiss and promptly losing consciousness, Charles's plans for peace and solitude go awry. Twenty-two-year-old Harry Valentine is an unexpected, tempting gift, but half-truths and devious men could make it a Christmas Charles would rather forget.

Set in a time in England when sex between two men was considered illegal, The Wrong Kind of Angel is a holiday story that's different from those that I've read as of late. The quandary that Charles and Harry find themselves in is a delicate, but also dangerous, one. Henry Wilson, aka Harry Valentine, is on the run--both away from someone and towards someone else. I won't go too much into detail, but I do understand why he decided to keep the details about his situation from Charles--who he bestows the nickname "Charlie" to--in the beginning. When threats were made, however, I found it strange that the "Dante" who Harry was running from didn't play a bigger role in the story and that these threats thrown at Charles and Harry were not volleyed back, especially since Harry had information that could have been used to put Dante's henchmen on the defensive. I did like the inclusion of young Julian to the story and how his presence became more of a catalyst for good rather than the opposite and helped move Charles and Harry forward together. All in all, The Wrong Kind of Angel was a pretty good, 3.5-starred story. ♥

Release Date: 17 December 2016

Date Read: 16 December 2016

Learn more about Ruby Moone.

Purchase The Wrong Kind of Angel on Amazon.


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