Review: Analog to Digital by Posy Roberts

Note: This ARC was provided by the publisher via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Originally one of this year's Advent Calendar: Bah Humbug releases from Dreamspinner Press, Analog to Digital is a holiday novella from author Posy Roberts about longtime boyfriends Ethan and Toby and wanting something you think you can never have. It's a really quick read, numbering at less than forty pages, at least based on my advanced reader's copy, and I was able to get through the entire thing in about twenty minutes or so. This is also my sixth Posy Roberts read--her Naked Organics and North Star books being the first five--this year, and she's always been able to satisfy my basic need for a well-written and engaging romance with just enough quirk added.

At twenty-six, Ethan has achieved more success than countless others his age, but the renewal of vows his sister has planned triggers a desire for something he knows he can never have for as long as he's with Toby, who has made it clear that marriage isn't his thing. What Toby doesn't know, though, is that Ethan wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with him, rings, vows, and all. Returning home to witness the renewal of vows is just another reminder of what he doesn't have, but Toby insists they do this for some quiet time. With Toby spending all his time with Ethan's family, however, Ethan wonders if maybe Toby's decided he doesn't want a boyfriend too.

Communication, communication, communication. Ask any number of committed couples and the one thing they'll tell you is key to a successful relationship, aside from love, is communication, something Ethan and Toby needed here. I wasn't a fan of Ethan not being open with Toby about his dream of being married simply because he knew Toby didn't believe in marriage. It's pretty easy to figure out what it is Toby is clearly hiding from Ethan, but I was eager to see how he was going to pull it off and I thought it was rather adorable, especially for someone like Toby who doesn't do adorable. Analog to Digital is a guaranteed smile-inducing holiday read and I'm giving it four stars. ♥

Date Read: 27 December 2016

Learn more about Posy Roberts.

Purchase Analog to Digital on Dreamspinner Press | Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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