Release Blitz: Cheeky Christmas by Aria Cole

Cheeky Christmas
by Aria Cole
Release Date: December 14, 2016

About Cheeky Christmas
Everly Grayson is sick of her small life in a small town. She dreams of bigger things, so when an opportunity for something bigger comes along, she grabs it with both hands. Now she’s on her way to a sprawling country estate in rural England to work as an au pair.

However, her new adventure loses some of its shine when she finds out her new boss, wealthy single dad Mason Kingsley, is a surly and foul-tempered ogre. Yet despite his temperament, he consumes the air in her lungs and dominates her every waking thought. Especially when she sees him being as sweet as candy to his five-year-old daughter.

Little does she know that he is just as affected by her. While his attraction to her drives him to distraction, he wants more than just her body. Much more.

This holiday season, prepare to lose more than your Christmas stockings and light up brighter than your tree when you fall in love with Mason Kingsley.

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An Excerpt from Cheeky Christmas
A friendly-looking guy, probably a few years older than Mason, thrust a hand at me. “Hi, I’m Michael.”
“Hi.” I smiled kindly. “I’m Everly.”
“Pretty name. That an American accent I hear?”
“It is.”
“What brought you here of all places? Pretty girl like you should be drinking cosmos in London.” He leaned in closer and took a sip of his beer, eyes trained on my lips.
I felt Mason shift closer to me. His low voice was still deep in conversation with Toby, but his body clearly sensed something was up.
“I’m here for a job actually. Only for a few months.” I turned back to my pint and took a sip, wishing Mason would cut in and save me from any more probing questions.
“Well, there isn’t much to see, but if you ever need a friend, let me give you my number—”
“Everly, can I have a word?” Mason butted in, looping his hand at my elbow and pulling him against his chest.
My heart dropped instantly and my knees went weak as I felt every hard inch of his solid body behind me. Jesus, what was he doing and why did I like this?
“Sure,” I whispered, smiling at the stranger before Mason shuttled me away from the bar and down a short corridor.
“Bloody tosser.” He growled, shoving through a door and pulling me in behind him. Flicking on the light, he spun me, hands caging me against the wooden panels.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, chest heaving. My every single breath was consumed with him. His scent, the primal, beast-like energy radiating from him. Everything about him turned me on.
“I don't like his eyes on you.” His hands were at my waist, sliding over the curve of my ass. His fingers found the hem of my dress, inching it up my thighs to land at the curve of my ass. “I don’t like him looking at what’s mine.”
“Mason, I don't think he was—”
“Don’t tell me what he was thinking. I know men, and I’ve known that one longer than I’ve known just about anyone. He wants you.” His teeth edged the shell of my ear.
“So what if he does?” I offered lamely.
“You made me cum in my trousers, Everly. I’ve never done that before. I love you shuddering beneath me. My lips on every inch of your skin...feeling you so deeply it shatters your soul. That makes you mine. Do you need me to remind you why, kitten?”
Mason’s fingers hooked in my panties and pulled them just down my thighs.
“Please…” I whispered, my hands wrapping around his neck.
“My sweet little pussy cat is soaked.” His fingers ran through my slit and sent me arching up onto my tiptoes.
“I’m always wet around you,” I confessed, unable to stop the words.
“I know, I love it.” He pushed his thumb into his mouth, sucking off my arousal before his grin tipped up. “Show me how you touch yourself.”
I waited breathlessly, hardly comprehending his words.
“Do it, Everly. Touch that pretty pussy.” He guided my hand between my thighs, groaning when my fingertips made contact with the slick skin. “That’s it, sweetheart.”
I heard the swift sound of his zipper, then I watched, riveted, as he pulled his thick erection from his pants. Fisting it at the root, he ran his hand in slow strokes up to the tip and back down again.
“Oh my god.”
“That's it, kitten. Let him hear you now.”

About Aria Cole

Aria Cole is a thirty-something housewife who once felt bad for reading dirty books late at night, until she decided to write her own. Possessive alpha men and the sassy heroines who love them are common, along with a healthy dose of irresistible insta-love and happily ever afters so sweet your teeth may ache. 

For a safe, off-the-charts HOT, and always HEA story that doesn't take a lifetime to read, get lost in an Aria Cole book!

Follow Aria on Amazon for new release updates, or stalk her on Facebook and Twitter to see which daring book boyfriend she's writing next!

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