Review: Caught for the Holidays by Amber Bardan

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Ardent PRose in exchange for an honest review.

Matthew has been keeping tabs and everything has fallen into place. It's time for him to put his plan into action. Six months of torturous teasing have come to a head and nothing--no one--can stop him from finally ending it all by going after the source of it all: Libby. She doesn't have a single clue about what she's about to go through--what he plans on putting her through. He needs to make her pay for everything that she's done to him. It isn't right to mess with a man's mind the way she has. So he's waited and schemed and it's all come together. There is no other option for him but to get this right. Libby has tormented him, month after month after month. This time around, it's Matthew's turn to torment her, and once he gets started, he's going to relish in that look of shock he knows he's going to see in her eyes. Libby's his for the taking and she'll have nowhere to turn once Matthew catches her.

I've read author Amber Bardan's past releases, but I confess, my favorite is her latest release, the standalone holiday novella Caught for the Holidays. Sometimes, the saying "Good things come in small packages" is exactly what this story was all about. It may be short in terms of length, but it doesn't scrimp when it comes heart and heat, giving readers sizzling sex, touching romance, and a sentimental and sweet story. When you read the synopsis for this, you may be like me, going into it thinking one thing and then getting a whole lot more than you expected by the time you finish. Bardan's writing is on-point, and once again, she successfully draws me in, with two main characters caught in the crosshairs of an unexpected scenario and leave you happily sated with their tale.
I've read quite a few holiday romances since December started, and Caught for the Holidays is a favorite. Five stars. ♥

Release Date: 12 December 2016

Date Read: 12 December 2016

Learn more about Amber Bardan.

Purchase Caught for the Holidays on Amazon.


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