Review: The Refiner by Kristy Marie (The Hands of the Potters #2)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

"You keep saying I have a 'hero mode', but it's you who built the game. I am only a hero because you made me rise to even be worthy of your presence."

Dr. Potterheads (yep, totally added the "doctor" part in order to better differentiate those smitten with the Potter brothers who all happen to doctors from those obsessed with all things boy wizard) rejoice! The second novel in Kristy Marie's Hands of the Potters series is finally here, and it so lived up to every single one of my lofty expectations. The Refiner works as a standalone, but if you're a reader who requires original writing and  unique storytelling, then look no further than this series, which starts off with The Potter.

Keagan McKeller would like to think herself a good judge of character, so while Dr. Astor Potter may be a friend and colleague of her sister's, she doesn't hold the guy in high esteem. But sometimes it takes one moment to initiate change. When Piper passes away, she leaves something behind--her newborn daughter. Keagan had no idea her older sister was pregnant, and it seems that neither did the baby's father, who just happens to be Astor. Nothing prepared either Keagan or Astor for the unexpected loss of Piper, and they are definitely not ready for Tatum, but maybe, this unlikely pair will surprise themselves.

These Potter brothers are in a class all their own, I tell you! Just like Vance and Halle's story, there's a fair bit of angst in Astor and Keagan's. That being said, this isn't a tale of woe. Yes, it's about loss, but it's also about love and family and rediscovering one's purpose and realizing their worth. I liked that Keagan was a game writer because it was something different from the norm. Then there was the age gap between her and Astor, which was about ten or so years, considering he was thirty-seven and she was in her mid- to late twenties, and I appreciated that it was a source of humor for them. There was so much to love about The Refiner! It made me tear up and laugh, and it gets five-plus stars.


Read my reviews for the Hands of the Potters series:

The Potter (book one) - five stars - My Review

The Refiner (book two) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 27 July 2022

Date Read: 22 July 2022

Learn more about Kristy Marie.

Pre-order The Refiner on Amazon.


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