Review: Montgomery Ink Bites Cookbook by Carrie Ann Ryan & Suzanne M. Johnson

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the publisher via Social Butterfly PR.

If you're a longtime reader of Carrie Ann Ryan's, then it's no secret that her beloved Montgomery clan call the state of Colorado home, but the original siblings live in the city of Denver. Now, the original Montgomerys that kicked off Ryan's much-loved Montgomery Ink book universe are back with new short stories to give fans and readers a look-see on what life is like after their respective happily-ever-afters. The bonus? We've got recipes from Suzanne M. Johnson! I loved revisiting Denver and it did my heart good to find out what these eight families were up to. I haven't gotten around to trying the recipes yet--cut me some slack, I just finished reading this book!--but I've marked the ones that had my tummy rumbling in curiosity. Montgomery Ink Bites Cookbook will do any Montgomery Ink reader's heart good and their tummy will thank them later. Five stars!

Release Date: 21 June 2022

Date Read: 21 June 2022

Learn more about Carrie Ann Ryan and Suzanne M. Johnson.

Purchase Montgomery Ink Bites Cookbook on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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