Book Spotlight: Unleashed by J.L. Drake

(Devil's Reach #3)
by J.L. Drake
Date Released: October 30, 2018

About Unleashed
Tess was under the Devil’s watch while I suffered behind bars with my demons…
The ace in my pocket brings power, and the temptation to flip overwhelms me.
I’m playing chicken with the reaper, and it’s only feeding his thirst.
The smell of blood is a drug. It fuels me. Consumes me.
I am lost.

The Devil stole me, but I refuse to belong to someone else. 
I’m a fighter. 
I will do whatever it takes to get back to my family.
Treachery and betrayal surround us. 
The only way out is to turn the greatest loss into the greatest victory.

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An Excerpt from Unleashed
The morning came too quickly. I blinked my eyes to focus and swung my feet to sit up. Once the doors scraped open on the tracks, I made my way downstairs, signaling to my men I was skipping breakfast and headed in the opposite direction.

The line for the phone wrapped around the corner and down the hall, but one look at me, and most scattered. My reputation in prison had traveled far.

I caught the eye of a Stripe Back I sent here last year. Kale had murdered a gas attendant for his initiation and tried to pin it on Morgan, who happened to be there at the same time. With a little pressure, I got the proof I needed to clear Morgan’s name and sent Kale away for life.

It didn’t help that I spread some rumors so he would become someone’s bitch in a matter of days.

“Nice limp.” Rail nodded. “Rough night under the sheets?”

Kale shot him a death look but was more focused on me.

“Tell me something.” He rubbed his crew cut and leaned against the wall. “How is it that you’re in here while your old lady is shackin’ up with your old man out there?”

Rail shifted and blocked the view of the guards while Brick appeared from the cafeteria and stood on the other side. I stepped up closer so we were nose to nose, and slapped my hand down on his pencil dick.

“I will be out of here before your next date with your cellmate,” I twisted him tighter in my grip as he struggled to keep his composure, “peeling the clothes off your sister, just like I did the night you were sentenced.

He tried to lunge, but I squeezed with all my might. He stifled a scream as his veins bulged. He couldn’t afford to get put in the hole again, and he knew I knew that.

“Vineyard!” a guard yelled. “Do we have a problem here?”

I raised my hands and stepped back. “Just getting reacquainted with an old friend.”

The guard gave a red-faced Kale a questioning look. “That true?”

“Yeah,” he muttered.

“Good. Move on, then.” He waved us off as I stood back in line for the phone.

Three rings after I stated my name to the stupid recording, someone finally answered.

“Helmond’s Bar, Peggy speaking. Trigger, is that you?”

Why is she questioning me?

“Peggy, get me Morgan.”

“Oh, my God, Trigger! I thought maybe it was Brick or Rail. It’s been so jacked up without you here—”

“Peggy,” I snapped, “where’s Morgan?”

“No clue. I figured you had him dealing with somethin’.”

“Find me Cooper.”

“Do you know how hard it is to run this bar myself? The till doesn’t add up right. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Morgan keeps throwing Tess in my face. He really can be an asshole—”

“Peggy!” I shouted, and a guard glared at me.


“Fine!” she huffed and screamed for Cooper, who must have been in the bar, as he yelled back at her. “Trigger is on the phone.”

There was bickering before he tore the phone away from her.

“Hey, man, you okay in there?”

“Where is Morgan?” I didn’t have much more time. “I don’t know. He left the day before yesterday, said he’d be back tomorrow. Maybe his dad is back?” Morgan wouldn’t leave unless something came up, but why not tell Cooper or Cray?

“You heard from Links yet?” he asked. The bar must have picked up, because he started yelling over the noise.

“No. You?”

“He was here poking around yesterday, but he wouldn’t share anything.”


“Find Morgan.” “Yeah, boss.”

I hung up and went to find Brick. Something didn’t sit right.

About J.L. Drake
Bestselling author J.L. Drake was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, later moving to Southern California where she lives with her husband and two children. When she's not writing, she loves to spend time with her family, travelling or just enjoying a night at home. One thing you might notice in her books is her love for the four seasons. Growing up on the east coast of Canada the change in the seasons is in her blood and is often mentioned in her writing. An avid reader of James Patterson, J.L. Drake has often found herself inspired by his many stories of mystery and intrigue. She hopes you will enjoy her stories as much as she has enjoyed writing them.

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