Review: Burning Season by Rachel Ember (Wild Ones #3)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Gay Romance Reviews ARC Team.

It's been a good, long while since I've read an M/M historical romance, particularly one with a cowboy theme to it. Color me impressed and brand me a fangirl because Rachel Ember has done nothing but leave me with a happily satisfied smile on my face each time I finish reading a book in her Wild Ones series. Not only am I eagerly awaiting whatever is to follow Burning Season, but I'm also getting ready to borrow this author's other books in her back list once I return the Wild Ones books.

Burning Season starts off in the early seventies, and it's the story of Dylan Chase. If you've read Long Winter and Signs of Spring, then you can connect Dylan with the Chase brothers, Robbie, Johnny, and Danny as being their uncle, i.e. their father's younger brother. That being said, you can read Dylan's story as a standalone, although it does lead into the next Wild Ones book, As the Tallgrass Grows

Dylan shares his story with Bo Bailey, a hitchhiker who tempts him to finally give in to those urges he's tried to tamp down--to keep secret from everyone. He never expects to see the man again after their own shared moment together in Dylan's vehicle, but when Dylan's best friend offers Bo seasonal work on their family ranch--which just happens to the neighboring ranch to Dylan's family's--everything shifts. Dylan has his secrets to keep, but being around Bo is risky. When all is said and done, will he take that risk?

I loved every bit of this book! I finished it in one sitting and sighed happily by the end. Dylan may be young at nineteen, but I enjoyed seeing him come into his own and embrace the truest version of himself. Bo was that catalyst for change that he needed, and while that happy ending didn't necessarily come easily, it was one that they would cherish. Oh, and that ending? Well, well, well... Interesting times are coming on a different ranch in the next Wild Ones book is all I'm saying. Five stars for Burning Season!

Date Read: 23 December 2021

Learn more about Rachel Ember.

Purchase Burning Season on Amazon.


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