Review: Love Me Like You Won't Let Go by Melissa Toppen

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions.

I've read and enjoyed the Melissa Toppen-penned books that have crossed my tablet before, and second-chance romances happen to be one of my favorite tropes. The author's latest standalone, Love Me Like You Won't Let Go, had a blurb that called to me, and because I've read some of Toppen's work in the past, I already had an idea the quality of writing I would experience. Add to that a go-to trope, and I was so looking forward to simply sitting back and falling in love with yet another book from this talented author. Inasmuch as Toppen's writing remains impressive, I must confess that there was something about the book that I both couldn't connect with and simply did not like: the female main character, which then leads me to having a difficult time being emotionally invested.

There was never any doubt as to how much Blakely Harris and Asher Evans loved each other as teenagers, but the desire to leave their hometown was stronger than any inkling to stay, so Asher left and never looked back. Six years later, Blakely's life has moved forward and she's even found someone she's ready to share her life with. Tyler Davenport was a man who loved her unconditionally and showed her that her heart could heal even after all the hurt and pain from before. Asher was her past and Tyler was her future...and then her past returns when she least expects it. Torn between the man she loves now and the man she's always loved, who will Blakely hold on to now?

Sigh. Maybe this book would have worked better for me had Tyler not been as good of a guy as he was. He was treated quite unfairly by the woman who supposedly loved him enough to marry him, especially considering she was already cheating on him emotionally and mentally. Asher should have respected the relationship between Blakely and Tyler, but if there's anyone to truly blame about everything that happened, it's none other than Blakely. She was the one who made a commitment to Tyler; Asher was just a guy who wanted to re-stake his claim on the woman he left behind six years ago in order to do his bit of globetrotting. Sadly, Blakely spoiled this book for me, and while the story as a whole was good, it's difficult for me to give Love Me Like You Won't Let Go anything higher than three stars when a supporting character outshines the couple the book is supposed to be about. Sorry. ♥

Release Date: 22 February 2019

Date Read: 19 February 2019

Learn more about Melissa Toppen.

Purchase Love Me Like You Won't Let Go on Amazon.


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