Review: The Fairy Pond by Jason Black

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design.

“Boy,” Grandfather said sternly, “Don’t look and don’t be talking about that no more.” Grandpa’s strong hand shook Nevan’s shoulder for emphasis. “Them be fairies and you hain’t s’posed to see ‘em!”
“But I do…” Nevan answered quietly, taking time to mull the words. “Fairies? Grandpa, are you sure?”
“Just listen to me and don’t argue. Stay away from ‘em and bow if you sees one, then run when they bow back. Hear me, boy?”

I love it when an author manages to surprise you in the best way possible. I'd read Jason Black's full-length standalone novel Snakes Among Sweet Flowers in June of 2016 (written under Jason Huffman-Black), and was left impressed by Black's obvious talent for writing a story that draws AND holds your attention AND your heart and doing it well. It was also then I realized that the author was part of the multi-authored anthology that was Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open, which I'm thankful I got years ago--but have yet to read...sad I know--since it seems to no longer be available for purchase. In the time since Snakes Among Sweet Flowers, however, there weren't any new releases from Black...until this past December. This author's return isn't just commendable but has me excited because he's proven to be more than a one-hit wonder and hopeful he won't up and disappear this time around.

The Fairy Pond is very different from the author's last release. This was a quickie read, clocking in at twenty-two pages in total on my tablet and taking me less than half an hour to finish in one sitting. However, don't let the length of this book fool you. It's got a tale to tell and you'll want to read it, especially if you're the type that doesn't limit themselves to just one genre and if you appreciate well-written stories. Black definitely flexes his storytelling "muscles" here, giving readers a story had a folklore feel to it. This was about a young boy named Nevan who lives with his widowed mother, grandfather, and older brothers. They live a simple life on land that they own, and part of their property includes a pond. It looks like an ordinary small body of water, but then Nevan glimpses something, and when he mentions it to his grandfather, he's told to stay away from the pond...but will he listen?

I don't want to go into what happens because, hello, what would be the point in doing that other than me spoiling it for everyone who has yet to read the book. I'm highly recommending that you check the book out because ultimately, it's a story worth reading. Black's writing is, once again, exceptional as he lulls you into a place of complacency and then you begin to get that feeling--you know that feeling, right? The kind that has you a wee bit more aware of everything else you once took for granted? That's what happens here, and just like Nevan, you know you should listen and go your merry way but curiosity will get the better of you. This was a fantastical read, and one that I'm encouraging everyone else to read. I'm giving The Fairy Pond five-plus stars, and I've got my fingers crossed that it will not take as long before Jason Black publishes another story for readers to devour again. ♥

Date Read: 25 January 2019

Learn more about Jason Black.

Purchase The Fairy Pond on Amazon.


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