Review: Nobody's Fool by Sarah Hegger (Willow Park #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Kensington Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

A return to Willow Park was the last thing Holly Partridge ever wanted to do but return she did because her sister Portia, who suffers from bipolar disorder, was missing and all arrows are pointing to the place they called home for two years. Now, she needs to find Joshua Hunter, her high school nemesis, since he appears to be the last person who was seen with her in Chicago a couple of days after Portia disappeared. He's still as hot as ever and as much as she wishes she didn't need his help, she does and together they search high and low for her sister. The time they spend together opens Holly's eyes to the realization that Josh isn't the same guy he was in high school and that he could be the one man worth risking her heart for.

Nobody's Fool is the second novel in the Willow Park series from Sarah Hegger and has Josh Hunter, younger brother to Richard Hunter, lead male character from the first novel, Nobody's Angel, and Holly Partridge, Josh's high school classmate, as the focus of the story. Josh was always the guy who could get any girl he wanted, a fact that has carried over from his youth to today, but he's no longer the manwhore he once was. Unfortunately, Holly seems to have cast him in that role and she finds it difficult to believe that he's changed his ways. These two former enemies, though more on Holly's part than Josh's, have to set aside their differences in order to find Holly's sister Portia before her bipolar episode ends in tragedy.

Holly is very set in her ways and she has a tendency of making her mind up about something and refusing to budge on it. Her preconceptions of Josh may have been based on the guy he was in high school, but she still treated him badly on many an occasion in this book. She was stubborn and hard-headed, but I also understand that frustration that she was experiencing, especially with as far as her home situation was concerned. She and her other sister Grace had been her twin sisters Portia and Emma's keepers ever since she was a teenager because of their mother's own losing bout with being bipolar. Her dreams and life were put on hold for too long and the latest burden had her manifesting her deep anger in less than ideal ways.

I also get that Josh muddled things for Holly and while he made her feel things she never felt before, he was also a point of contention among the sisters and Holly felt selfish even considering something more with the guy she was falling for. There's a lot of drama and angst in the story, though there are also doses of humor here and there, and even when I found myself not particularly liking Holly or two of her sisters, I couldn't help but love this story. Wanting something that makes you happy doesn't necessarily make you a selfish person, especially when it requires entrusting your heart to someone who makes you dream of something more for yourself. Again, Sarah Hegger did not disappoint and Nobody's Fool gets five stars. ♥

Release Date: 25 August 2015

Date Read: 22 August 2015

Learn more about Sarah Hegger here.

Pre-order Nobody's Fool on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to read and review. Much, much appreciated.

    1. You're very much welcome! :) I'm looking forward to reading Nobody's Princess next year.


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