Review: Laid Out by Sidney Halston (Worth the Fight #4)

Note: This ARC was provided by Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept in exchange for an honest review.

Cain Sorenson has loved only one girl, and he's loved her for years, but he can never have her because Violet Channing will always belong to his best friend. He's kept his distance and pushed her away, but being in the same town has made resisting the urge to be around her more difficult. He's always been able to keep his emotions at bay, wearing the cold, unfeeling mask that made him a good Army Ranger and now a good mixed martial arts fighter. But Violet is the one person that could knock down his defenses, and while he knows she deserves to be with someone better than him, Cain can no longer stay away from her.

Laid Out is the fourth and latest installment in the MMA romance Worth the Fight series from bestselling author Sidney Halston. Fans of the series finally get Cain Sorenson's love story, the one he shares with Violet Channing, the woman he's been best friends with ever since they were teenagers and the only one he's ever loved. This story has a friends to lovers slash second chance romance feel to it and the humor that's become a trademark of the series is still very much present, but it also has more drama and angst, both of which were just the right amount. Fans have been waiting for Cain's story and it's worth the wait.

Cain hasn't exactly been the chattiest among the supporting characters, which is saying something considering he's been part of the series from the beginning. There's something about his preference to remain quiet that makes him stand out even more. There's a saying that goes "Silent waters run deep," and that certainly rings true with Cain Sorenson, who has kept his emotions in check for far too long. The guy is carrying with him a great deal of guilt and your heart can't help but break when he finally lets go and confesses everything that he's been thinking and feeling for fifteen or so years when it comes to Violet.

If Cain is quiet, Violet is a chatterbox, especially when she's nervous, which is a state she often finds herself when she's around Cain. She's never forgotten her kiss, the one that Cain gave her before he was deployed for the first time. She's sweet and funny and I think she's always had feelings for the guy, but when he rejected her, she decided that it was time to let go and turn her attention to the person who was interested in her--their mutual best friend Jeremy Edwards. Cain treats her terribly at times, which had me tempted to smack him upside the head, but she was no pushover and proved she was a strong woman.

Before I read this book, I would have said that Against the Cage was my favorite book in the series, and while Jack Daniels's and Chrissy Martin's love story will always be special because it's what introduced this cast of characters that I've fallen in love with, there's just something about this fourth book that makes it stand out. Cain and Violet are a pair that you can't help but root for because these two so need to get to their happily-ever-after. Their love story made me smile and frown and laugh and tear up. So yes, Laid Out is my favorite book in the Worth the Fight series and it'll be worth the wait for WtF fans. Five stars! ♥

Release Date: 18 August 2015

Date Read: 16 August 2015

Learn more about Sidney Halston here.

Purchase Laid Out on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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