Review: The Watcher by Melanie Moreland (Men of Hidden Justice #4)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

Damien DeSalvo is a man with purpose, and he's darn good at what he does. He's called The Watcher for a reason, and he makes no apologies for it. When Raven Bailey rushes into the bar where Damien was enjoying some downtime away from work, his protective instincts kick into high gear. It's clear that she's afraid, so when she kisses him, he goes with it, understanding right away that she has her reasons. A stalker is after her, and he appears to be escalating. Damien will keep Raven safe, but this isn't simply about him doing what he does best. She's a woman he couldn't possibly imagine not having in his life, and he'll stop at nothing to ensure the threat against her is permanently neutralized.

When the men of Hidden Justice (and Elite Security) fall, they fall hard. If you're familiar with the Men of Hidden Justice series, then you know that these guys go all in, and nothing can stand in their way when it comes to the women they love--even to the point of walking away from the lives they once had. Now, while each book ends up with each couple ending up where those who came before them are at, Melanie Moreland mixes it up for every book. With Damien and Raven, the intense attraction and devotion to each other is palpable, and the villain was truly formidable, possibly the most compared to those before him. The Watcher snags four stars, and I can't wait for The Specialist in 2023.


Read my reviews for the Men of Hidden Justice series:

The Boss (book one) - five stars - My Review

Second-in-Command (book two) - five stars - My Review

The Commander (book three) - five stars - My Review

The Watcher (book four) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 15 September 2022

Date Read: 14 September 2022

Learn more about Melanie Moreland.

Purchase The Watcher on Amazon.


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