Review: The List by Felice Stevens (Second Chances #1)

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions.

Felice Stevens returns with a brand-new series starter, and I, of course, was all giddy about having a new series for me to invest all my messed-up emotions in. Yes, I'm an angst addict and proud of it, which is why Stevens is easily one of my go-to authors because she doesn't shy away from the angst but doesn't usually overdo it either. Her Second Chances series starter delivers a strong beginning with two men unwilling to risk their hearts, refusing to fall in love; however, love comes for you when you least expect it.

Elliot Hansen has a bad habit of becoming involved with unreliable men. Just ask his close-knit circle of best friends. Watching Elliot get his heart broken time and again leads them to come up with a list of someone they think would be far more suitable. When a burglar breaks into his home, Elliot's neighbor, who just happens to be a seasoned police detective, comes to his rescue. There's no denying that Winston Rogers could tick off item up on item on Elliot's list, but the widower has never quite gotten over the heartbreak of losing his husband. Maybe if they keep things casual, there won't be any risk. Yeah, right.

There was romance and sex and a whole lot of angst with this series starter, and Felice Stevens delivers it all with the evocative prose I've come to associate with her. Elliot and Win were interesting pair. I confess that it was easier to like Elliot than it was to like Win, and a lot of that had to do with Win's reticence. Elliot being who he is did not have that much of a struggle when it came to his feelings for Win, but it was clear that Win was his own biggest hurdle to claiming that second chance for a happily-ever-after after losing his husband. I liked the pacing of The List and appreciated the development of both characters. Elliot's circle of friends have me curious, so I look forward to more. 4.5 stars!

Release Date: 16 June 2021

Date Read: 14 June 2021

Learn more about Felice Stevens.

Purchase The List on Amazon.


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