Review: The Dark of You by S.M. Shade

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Wildfire Marketing Solutions.

The Dark of You is S.M. Shade's latest standalone novel, and it feels like a departure from her usual lighter romance fare, although she has penned a few that have some angst to them. Darcy Sharpe is the lone survivor of an unthinkable event that took the rest of her immediate family. Years later, she lives her life in solitude, writing bestselling horror and true crime novels under the name D.S. Shrike. But when inspiration seems to have gone missing, Darcy decides to a more secluded location, hoping the peace and quiet will help get her creative juices flowing. Experience, however, has taught her to be wary of her surroundings, so when she gets the feeling that she's being watched, she doesn't think herself paranoid. Because that feeling? It isn't going away; rather, it's getting much closer.

I knew going into this that it wasn't going to be a lighthearted read, but I love it when an author dares to push past what they're used to. I already know S.M. Shade writes awesome romantic comedies, and I wanted to see how she would do with darker fare. I'm happy to say that she did quite well, thank you very much. Darcy's story was intriguing, and while I confess that I pretty much figured out what was happening really early on, I was still there for every twist and turn that Shade took me on. My best advice is readers go into this blind, but either way, The Dark of You is a highly worthwhile read. Four stars.

Release Date: 30 June 2021 25 June 2021 (early release)

Date Read: 25 June 2021

Learn more about S.M. Shade.

Purchase The Dark of You on Amazon.


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