Review: Repeat by Kylie Scott

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

I had listened to Kylie Scott's Repeat when it was released as an Audible Original back in January, and I loved the combination of Scott's writing and Andi Arndt's narration. I know it may seem strange that I wanted to read a story that I was already familiar with, but I wanted to see if I would still enjoy it this second time around and through a different medium. I'm happy to say that this unique story about one woman discovering the new version of herself and rediscovering the love she had once let go of clicked with me the same way it did three months ago. Clementine Johns is one of those female main characters that you don't forget, and the love story she shares with Ed Larsen is a thought-provoking one. After all, what would you do if you lost your more recent memories, including those that involved and you created with the same man you loved and then decided to end things with?

After twenty-five-year-old Clementine Johns was viciously attacked, she summarily lost part of her memory. She's been getting bits and pieces from her family, but she demands more answers and she decides to go to a tattoo studio to get them. That's where she finds thirty-two-year-old Ed Larsen, the owner and a tattoo artist and her ex-boyfriend. He isn't quite sure what to make of her being in his place of business or her wanting to get more information from him regarding the woman she once was and the life they shared together. Maybe this is the closure that he needs in order to move forward post-Clem, but Ed can't help falling for the new Clem that's pushed her way into his life. Once Clem gets the answers she needs, will she want to relive the past or live for the present?

Repeat is the sort of story that makes you think about the opportunities that life tosses your way in one form or another. What would do with those second (or third or nth) chances? Will history repeat itself or do you make sure to not repeat mistakes made? I loved getting to know Clem post the attack as much as I did learning who she was before at the same time she was. She was an interesting main character, but I confess that Ed was the one I really fell for here. He wasn't perfect but it was his being flawed and vulnerable that made him easier to connect with. Aside from the romance, the mystery component in this novel completed the five-starred package that Repeat is. ♥

Release Date: 07 April 2019

Date Read: 11 March 2019

Learn more about Kylie Scott.

Purchase Repeat on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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