Release Blitz: Haunted Melody by Alyson Santos
Haunted Melody
by Alyson Santos
Release Date: April 30, 2019
About Haunted Melody
They say
death is the end.
I thought so too
until I learned
it's just the beginning.
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About Alyson Santos
I'm a writer, musician, and cat lover. I also have an alternative music obsession. Seriously, it's a real problem.
I write what needs to come out, whether it's pain, tears, or laughter. I write people and relationships, about the beauty and horror of what we do to ourselves and each other. I write Love. Vengeance. Compassion. Cruelty. Trust. Betrayal. Forgiveness. Darkness, and the incredible way humans destroy and heal each other.
I like to eradicate barriers, refusing to be confined by the laws of physics or limitations of reality. I will befriend a vast population of possibilities and introduce them in ways that might surprise you.
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