Review: Method by Kate Stewart

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Wordsmith Publicity.

“Do you know what the definition of hell is? Because I do. It's getting the life you wanted only to fuck it up because you didn't know how to embrace it and be happy.”

Oh, my heart... It's been nearly a week since I read Method, and I don't think I've found an appropriate enough set of words that will aptly explain how awestruck I was by this novel. Kate Stewart has, yet again, left me dumbfounded with her ability to create the most extraordinary love stories I've come across in the contemporary romance sub-genre. With her latest standalone release, she's given her fans and readers the romance between a married couple whom everyone looked up to inside and outside the entertainment industry where the husband reigned as one of the most in-demand actors around and the wife his pillar of love and support. But this book? It was so much more than "just" a romance. This was a story of how even the truest of loves and the most enduring of friendships can buckle under strain and pressure--both the kind you put on yourself and the expectations of those closest to you--and all the more when you have a rabid public and paparazzi riveted on each move you make.

Method introduces readers to Lucas and Mila Walker, one of Hollywood's golden couples who have been married six years. Theirs was a marriage that countless others looked up to and wanted to emulate, but when Lucas's best friend, Blake West, takes his own life, the couple's relationship is tested. Burdened with feelings of guilt, Lucas has chosen to distance himself, and Mila is at a complete loss as to how to reach the man she loves. My heart broke for these two and I was hit with a whole myriad of thoughts and emotions while reading their story. If you're confused by the title, method acting is when an actor completely immerses himself, especially emotionally, in the role that he has taken on, and it's a technique that Lucas has employed time and again. I won't go into the details, but be prepared for a lengthy and emotional read. Yes, this does end happily, but boy, did these two have to go through a great deal before they get to that point. Kate Stewart has yet to disappoint. This is one 2019's best. Five-plus stars. ♥

Date Read: 21 April 2019

Learn more about Kate Stewart.

Purchase Method on Amazon.


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