Review: What He Doesn't Know by Kandi Steiner (What He Doesn't Know #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

A touch. A sigh. 
A man. A woman. 
Fingertips and lips. Moans and breaths. 
Old longings brought to life with new fervor, new discoveries uncovered with old, shaking hands. 
Freedom. Passion. 

Oh. My. Word. I don't expect Kandi Steiner to be returning my heart any time soon, what with her basically taking bits and pieces of it as the story of Charlie Reid Pierce unraveled before my eyes. She was only sixteen when she asked a twenty-one-year-old Reese Walker to kiss her--a request that was denied, leaving her with a shattered heart and a whole lot of heart. Fourteen years later, Reese makes a return in hopes of rediscovering that feeling of home he once had when his family lived in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania--the same family he no longer has. What he finds, however, is the girl he once knew and still loves, only this time, Charlie Reid is married to Cameron Pierce and has been his wife for eight years. This womanly version of Charlie is one that Reese is unfamiliar with, but he desperately wants to get to know her and maybe find out if a part of the girl he loves remains, just waiting to be unearthed. He isn't sure what he can do to right his wrongs, but one that Reese knows for certain, nothing will stop him from re-claiming Charlie's heart--not even the ring on her finger.

Yes, What He Doesn't Know, the first in the duet by the same title, has a heroine who is married and the hero is not her husband. I don't exactly know how many readers consider cheating a no-go, but what I do know is that this novel is worth taking a chance on even if it is a hard limit reading-wise for some. There's more to the book than the possibility of cheating, and I'm not going to say if it does or doesn't happen. I don't want to spoil the read for anyone who has yet to bask in the near perfection that this book is. Kandi Steiner's writing has always been her greatest draw, which is why she's been a go-to author for me ever since I discovered her books two years ago. Cheating of any sort is a delicate subject, but Steiner handles the idea of it with equal parts sensitivity and honesty. Charlie's situation is one many may have some familiarity with, whether they've been in her position before or know someone who has. And that's the thing with this book, no one--not Charlie, not Reese, and not Cameron--was a "bad" guy, at least as far as I was concerned. Their circumstances led to their lives intersecting, and what happens is based on the choices they make brought about by said circumstances. What He Doesn't Know does end with a cliffhanger, but I so encourage you to read it regardless. Five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 15 March 2018

Date Read: 15 March 2018

Learn more about Kandi Steiner.

Purchase What He Doesn't Know on Amazon.


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