Review: To the Fall by Prescott Lane

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

There is nothing quite like seeing a man cry. It does something to me as a woman. It doesn’t make me think less of them. In fact, it makes me think more of them. And in this moment, watching Pierce in the raw, I’m witness to the way the man loves. I’ve experienced the way he loves with his body, his mouth, his penis. I’ve experienced him saying the words to me. But now I’m witness to what love really means to him.

I've read a few of Prescott Lane's books over the past couple of years, but there's something special about her latest standalone, To the Fall. When I read the synopsis for it, I wasn't all too sure what I would find between the covers. Lane's more recent releases have been lighter fare, but there was a certain something in the synopsis--something that hints at a bittersweet tale. Indeed, the author has put together a novel told from the point of view of the male main character, who made you want to get to know him better and to find out what it was that about the cocky, self-assured hotelier who needed sex as much as his next breath that made him human...what kind of woman it would take to break him--to make him want to be more than he was limited to or allowed himself to be.

Pierce Kingston is a thirty-year-old hotelier from New Orleans who was used to having any woman he wanted. More often than not, he barely had to make much of an effort to get a woman to be with him. He makes no apologies for his behavior, and he prides himself on the fact that he never promises whichever woman he happens to be with other than a mutually satisfying time together between the sheets. But lately he's been having...issues. Not only has he been slapped with court-mandated sessions with a therapist, he's also been "prescribed" to get on a diet--a sex-free diet--that's supposed to last for thirty consecutive days. If that wasn't difficult enough, Pierce meets twenty-five-year-old Sutton Presley. She's gorgeous and smart...and the lone woman to ever say no to him.

While To the Fall is very much Pierce's story, it needs to be noted that Sutton isn't the only female who influences his life. There's Annie, his lifelong best friend and right-hand at work who loved and accepted him unconditionally but never hesitated to call him on his crap. There's also his half-sister Tawny, who never failed to bring out the softer side of him. And then there's Dr. Lorraine, his therapist and "diet" specialist who didn't take any sort of BS from Pierce. You see, it may have seemed that Pierce merely used women for sex, but the man actually had women that he loved beyond measure, and who played such vital roles in his life, whether in a positive way or not. And I'll leave that little nugget there. Just remember: To the Fall is more than it seems to be. It gets five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 08 March 2018

Date Read: 07 March 2018

Learn more about Prescott Lane.

Purchase To the Fall on Amazon.


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