Review: Playing the Pauses by Michelle Hazen (Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Barclay Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

Michelle Hazen's Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series is back and she's leveled things up with a love story between The Red Letters's twenty-three-year-old bassist, Daniel O'Neil, and the band's twenty-five-year-old tour manager, Kate Madsen. Danny was introduced in the first book as Jera McKnight's best friend, and there was always something about the guy that made it clear that there was more to him than met the eye. You see, Danny is a dominant, but it's a part of himself that he's kept from those closest to him and one that he struggles with at the moment. Kate, on the other hand, is a submissive, and it was something that took her a while to fully embrace. Their one hot encounter ended with wrong assumptions, but when Danny and Kate decide to clear the air, it opens the door to Kate offering to help Danny fully explore the dominant side of himself. Everything between them has to be kept secret and Kate wants to make sure that it all ends when the tour does. Danny, however, wants to pursue what they have, only promising that he'll leave when Kate tells him to. It starts off as just sex, but could it become more?

Gah! I loved Danny! Seriously, the guy was so much more than I was expecting him to be. He may appear to be laid-back but he's got this intensity to him that was difficult to resist. There were many facets to his personality and it was clear that he was protective of those he cared about most--his best friend, his band, and his family. When Kate came along, it was an opportunity for him to tap into a side of himself that he kept hidden from many and to see if he can fully embrace the dominant within him. I liked that it was a submissive like Kate who served as his guide of sorts. She wasn't in it merely as someone passing on information or trying to get off on their time together. She sincerely wanted to help the guy out. The story itself was about Danny and Kate finding the true parts of themselves with one another and figuring out if they were willing to take a stand and fight for what they had built and the foundation it was all built upon. I enjoyed Playing the Pauses, which gets 4.5 stars, and am now curious to see what the author's got for Danny and Kate's novella plus Jax's story, and I need to read their prequel! ♥


Read my reviews for the Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll series:

A Cruel Kind of Beautiful (book one) - four stars - My Review

Playing the Pauses (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 07 March 2018

Learn more about Michelle Hazen.

Purchase Playing the Pauses on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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