Review: If I'd Known by Paige P. Horne

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

"No one has ever loved another person as strongly as I have loved you, Travis. No one ever will."

There are just some stories that you know will stay with you no matter how much time will pass. The kind of stories that leave a mark--a reminder that love, like all things, came with no guarantees, but it was, at its truest and purest, still worth taking a chance on...sometimes more than once. I've never read anything by Paige P. Horne before, but that doesn't really matter much because this novel was above and beyond one of the most heartrending reads I've come across ever since I started reviewing books (think five or so years). This also happens to be one of those very rare times where I set aside my editor hat and simply donned my reader hat because If I'd Known deserved my full attention as a reader, and I immersed myself in this and was rewarded and left so moved.

I don't want to give the story away because this is the kind of book that needs to be experienced alongside the main characters. The synopsis for the book is vague for a reason. This book is about Charlotte Harris and Travis Cole and their journey to discovering the kind of love that changes them forever. Theirs is a story of first love and last love--a forever kind of love. All I can tell you is this: have tissues on-hand. I didn't and even as I had to move from my spot to where my box of tissues was at, I refused to let go of my tablet. I had become so invested in Charlotte and Travis's story that I felt tethered to what was happening to them. I've recommended my share of books this year, but I'm asking that whatever else you have on your to-be-read list, put If I'd Known at the top. Five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 07 March 2018

Date Read: 06 March 2018

Learn more about Paige P. Horne.

Purchase If I'd Known on Amazon.


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