Review: Hero by Lauren Rowe (Morgan Brothers #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Lauren Rowe's Morgan Brothers is back with its third installment, this one featuring the eldest among the siblings, Colby. It's at his lowest that this firefighter meets single mother and physical therapist Lydia Decker. She's exactly who and what she needs, helping him to heal, and not just the injuries that can be seen by the naked eye. But even as the beautiful woman he's falling for helps to bring him slowly but surely back to life. The deeper his feelings get for her, the more Colby realizes that Lydia is just as--if not more than--damaged as he is. But while Colby's injuries may heal over time, Lydia's brokenness may be far more difficult to fix. It may take time and it may take a great deal of love and trust, but the one thing that Colby knows for sure is that he's prepared to be the hero Lydia needs.

While the first two Morgan Brothers novels--Ball Peen Hammer and Captain--had a more romantic comedy feel to them, Hero had more angst to it. That doesn't mean, though, that the humor that's become part and parcel of the series is missing from this third book. It's still there, although more tamped down, and I guess a lot of it has to do with the more serious subject matter. I loved the change of pace and felt it definitely suited Colby and Lydia's story better. Colby is, hands down, one of the more memorable male main characters I've come across so far this year. The man had a heart that embraced not only his own family and those he worked with but also Lydia and her children. He was a true hero in more ways than one, and his overall nature is what made him even more appealing.

This series was my introduction to Lauren Rowe's writing, and with each new release, I've become increasingly impressed. As much as I enjoyed the first two books, however, I must confess that this third one is my (current) favorite. The combination of Colby and Lydia and how they were able to come together and make those jagged parts of themselves smooth out and join up had my heart thumping happily in my chest. I also happen to have a soft spot for heroes or heroines who happen to be single parents, and the way Colby took to Lydia's own children merely highlighted just how much of a worthy male main character he was. While I'm excited to see what Rowe has up for readers next, I'm also going to be checking out her back list as soon as time permits! Five stars for Hero. ♥

Release Blitz: 12 March 2018

Date Read: 12 March 2018

Learn more about Lauren Rowe.

Purchase Hero on Amazon.


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