Review: Hard to Let Go by Jaclyn Quinn (Haven's Cove #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Vibrant Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

I do love it when a debut author makes a fantastic showing on their first go, as was the case with Jaclyn Quinn and her first published novel, Hard to Let Go, which also happens to be the Haven's Cove series starter. This small-town slash enemies-to-lovers romance has a lot going for it--from the years-old conflict between the main characters to secrets that had been kept quiet for too long, Quinn delivers a truly great story that highlights the power of love, family, and forgiveness. The fact that this is just the first in a new series has me excited to see what may be up next and how the author's writing will read like going forward. She's already got what looks like a good foundation in terms of putting together a story, and even if this did need a buff and shine (aka editing), I was rather impressed.

The story revolves around two former high school classmates, Owen Richards and Brody Walker, the former being the kid that a group of bullies picked on regularly for being gay and the latter being one of the ring leader's lackeys. It isn't until fifteen years later when their paths cross again. Owen and his boyfriend have been back in their hometown of Haven's Cove for a short while, settling in a home passed down to Owen. Brody, on the other hand, has returned because of his mother's failing health. When they see each other again, it's clear that neither has forgotten the other. Owen still holds on to his anger at everything that Brody and his friends did to him. However, Brody would like nothing more than to make amends, and to explain to Owen why he was the way he was before.

I seriously don't want to give out any more details about the story. Yes, Owen is in a relationship, but before there are judgments made regarding any sort of cheating, I'm going to suggest that you read the book. The whole thing with Owen and his boyfriend slash best friend, Jonah Taylor, is resolved in a way that I certainly didn't see coming, but talk about a breath of fresh air! I also happen to be curious as to who Jonah ends up being paired with as the series goes forward and how everything plays out with another potential couple, Gabriel D'Angelo and Nate Black, Brody's best friend and fellow contractor, respectively. With such a hopeful and, at times, heartrending story (there were tears at one point!) and a cast of characters that had me excited to read the rest of the series from a promising debut author, giving Hard to Let Go five stars was an absolute no -brainer for me. ♥

Date Read: 03 March 2018

Learn more about Jaclyn Quinn.

Purchase Hard to Let Go on Amazon.


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