Review: Fireball by Nazarea Andrews (River Street Bar #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

Nazarea Andrews starts her new River Street Bar series off with the story of firefighter chief Dempsey Jones and police officer Taite Ridley. While they may have known each other almost all their lives and been best friends as children, Dempsey and Taite's relationship is more antagonistic than platonic. Everything began to wane when they were in high school, and for all of their being adults who should know better, they allow things like inter-department rivalry fan the flames of whatever it is going on between them. And that's the thing: people around them can't help but wonder what really is happening between these two. Taite makes sure to poke Dempsey whenever they happen to be in the same place at the same time. On the other hand, most of Dempsey's friends seem to be aware that his feelings for the small-town cop were not all that friendly...because Dempsey's always wanted more from his former best friend. When the fire and police department go head to head to raise the most funds with Taite and Dempsey part of the planning committee, one bet is made and Dempsey intends to go all in.

Fireball was an enjoyable read, one with a sweet male main character who seemed to be suffering through too many years of unrequited love. I'll be honest, I did NOT like Taite for more than half of the book. The girl was immature and took the whole adversarial relationship she had with Dempsey to a whole new level. My heart went out to Dempsey because it did appear as if Taite simply dropped their friendship when a new kid named Miguel Delgado came along and became--and remains--her new bestie. And then there was the stuff she was doing with Dempsey that they had assumed people didn't know about. So yeah, I wasn't a fan. Did she win me over? Yeah, but it took a really good, long while for me to get to the point where I felt that she could, at the very least, care about the man as much as he cared about her. Surprisingly, it was the return of someone from Dempsey's past and Taite's protectiveness of him that finally made me turn the corner for her. Overall, I liked this first in the author's River Street Bar series and am curious to see who she's got up next as the series moves forward. Four stars for Fireball. ♥

Date Read: 10 March 2018

Learn more about Nazarea Andrews.

Purchase Fireball on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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