Review: Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster (The Whiskeys #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Driving Whiskey Wild is the third novel in author Melissa Foster's Whiskeys series, and we've got ex-military and current motorcycle club member Bullet Whiskey under the spotlight this time around. He's got a gruff personality and hard exterior which belies just how protective he is of those who mean the most to him. His family and his club brothers come first, but his protection extends to the biker bar they own as well as to the people of their hometown. He doesn't let people in, and he has good reason for it. When Finlay Wilson is hired to help expand the bar, however, Bullet is in for quite a challenge. She's a distraction that he doesn't need, and he's hellbent on keeping her at a distance, but there's something about the woman that calls to him. He knows better than to allow himself to get close, but Finlay is a game changer. She's the unexpected that he's tempted to welcome into his life and he can't help but wonder what would happen if he plays for keeps. But when their respective pasts come calling, will Bullet and Finlay's love be enough to sustain them and see them through to a future with each other?

Melissa Foster's Whiskeys series is back, and I must say that I've missed reading about this particular collection of characters. I liked getting to know Bullet better as well as seeing how Finlay would fare with someone like him, but then we've also got the supporting characters who seem to always vie for my attention simply because they pique my interest. Of course, there are also characters from past books that make reappearances, and seeing how far they've come in their own lives put a smile on my face. As has always been the case with Foster's books, family is a continuing theme, and the love each of the main characters have had from the first book to this third one highlight the unique bond they all share with those who mean most. The first few chapters were a bit slow-going, but when things picked up, I found myself fully engaged with both Bullet and Finlay and their story. I know there's at least one more novel that's going to be released later this year as part of the series--Wicked Whiskey Love due in November!--and I'm excited to see if it lives up to expectations for it. For now, Driving Whiskey Wild gets four stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the Whiskeys series:

Tru Blue (book one) - four stars - My Review

Truly, Madly, Whiskey (book two) - four stars - My Review

Driving Whiskey Wild (book three) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 02 March 2018

Learn more about Melissa Foster.

Purchase Driving Whiskey Wild on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


  1. I'm glad it left you anticipating more from the series! Thank you for reading and reviewing. It's so appreciated XOXO


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