Review: Cake by Carmen Jenner

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Poppy Porter's current status in life would be perfect fodder for a soap opera...or a sitcom. After all, her ex-boyfriend is marrying her ex-best friend. That would be weird in and of itself, but of course, fate decided to up the ante when it came to Poppy. Not only is she the official wedding planner but she's also the maid of honor. Go figure. That should be more than enough, right? Well...there's one more thing--like the cherry atop an ice cream sundae, or more appropriately, like the icing on the damn wedding cake: the best man is none other than Leo Nass.

Nass the Ass is not only Poppy's ex's best friend but he's also the bane of her existence and has been for way too many years. Now, they're forced to spend time with one another because of their respective roles for the wedding. There's tension between them--the kind that makes Poppy want to wrap her hands around Leo's throat and throttle him and the kind that makes Poppy want to wrap her lips around Leo's...ahem...and have it throttle her. But when everything about the wedding starts to fall apart, could Leo be the one to help Poppy keep it together?

Cake is a romantic comedy standalone from Carmen Jenner, and it's heavy on both the romance and the comedy. This enemies-to-lovers story was a hoot! Poppy and Leo had the kind of back and forth that should be a prerequisite for books that carry this particular trope. They were entertaining from start to finish, and that thin line between love and hate was one was always meant to be crossed when it came to these two. There were particular points in the story that I found myself laughing out loud, and when a rom-com like Cake does that, it gets 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 07 March 2018

Learn more about Carmen Jenner.

Purchase Cake on Amazon.


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