Book Spotlight: New Heights by Quinn Anderson

New Heights
by Quinn Anderson
Date Released: March 12, 2018

About New Heights
After attending a friend’s wedding in New York, James Thompson is eager to go home, even though no one will be waiting for him at the gate. He has no expectations for his trip back to Charleston other than long lines, security, and bad airplane food. But when an annoying—albeit hot—stranger cuts him in line, James is determined not to be a pushover for once.

For Mika “It’s Mee-kuh, not Micah” Bailey, today’s just another day of boring work travel. That is, until his flight gets delayed, and some irritating (but handsome) guy keeps hogging all the good power outlets. Which means war. In the middle of an airport. In New York. What could go wrong?

Eventually, they declare a truce, and as they get to know each other, their attraction overwhelms them both. Terrified of what he’s feeling, Mika suggests a no-strings hookup, but serial-monogamist James wants more. If they don’t fight for what’s right in front of them, their romance might be canceled before it ever takes off.

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A Note from Quinn Anderson
Thanks for joining me on my book tour! I’m Quinn Anderson, author of the Murmur Inc. Series and On Solid Ground. I’m here to share some inside information about New Heights, which came out March 12th, including fun facts and more. Leave comments on the tour posts for a chance to win a $10 Riptide Publishing gift card!

About Quinn Anderson
Quinn Anderson is an alumna of the University of Dublin in Ireland and has a master’s degree in psychology. She wrote her dissertation on sexuality in popular literature and continues to explore evolving themes in erotica in her professional life.

A nerd extraordinaire, she was raised on an unhealthy diet of video games, anime, pop culture, and comics from infancy. Her girlfriend swears her sense of humor is just one big Joss Whedon reference. She stays true to her nerd roots in writing and in life, and frequently draws inspiration from her many fandoms, which include Yuri on Ice, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Buffy, and more. Growing up, while most of her friends were fighting evil by moonlight, Anderson was kamehameha-ing her way through all the shounen anime she could get her hands on. You will often find her interacting with fellow fans online and offline via conventions and Tumblr, and she is happy to talk about anything from nerd life to writing tips. She has attended conventions on three separate continents and now considers herself a career geek. She advises anyone who attends pop culture events in the UK to watch out for Weeping Angels, as they are everywhere. If you’re at an event, and you see a 6’2” redhead wandering around with a vague look on her face, that’s probably her.

Her favorite authors include J.K. Rowling, Gail Carson Levine, Libba Bray, and Tamora Pierce. When she’s not writing, she enjoys traveling, cooking, spending too much time on the internet, playing fetch with her cat, screwing the rules, watching Markiplier play games she’s too scared to play herself, and catching ’em all.

Connect with Quinn

To celebrate the release of New Heights, one lucky winner will receive a $10 Riptide credit! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on March 17, 2018. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info! 

Follow the New Heights blog tour.


  1. Sounds like a fun story!
    jlshannon74 at

  2. Tthe whole premise for this story sounds so good.
    heath0043 at gmail dot com

  3. Unfortunately, this is from Riptide. As revealed in great detailed proofs, they have been involved for years, and apologized multiple times, yet continued to do the same things that are prejudiced, block, harass, gaslight, and undermine authors and other victims to protect themselves and their fav authors. Even their latest attempts re: colluding with faux Santino Hassell & harming Xen Sanders are more attempts to save themselves and do not directly address the issues at the top, much less act to eliminate the institutionalized cancer in their culture. They just talk about doing, like they have in the past & ultimately did nothing. It still went on. Unfortunately, now good innocent authors will be affected, but no more to Riptide & the authors involved. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  4. Unfortunately, this is from Riptide. As revealed in great detailed proofs, they have been involved for years, and apologized multiple times, yet continued to do the same things that are prejudiced, block, harass, gaslight, and undermine authors and other victims to protect themselves and their fav authors. Even their latest attempts re: colluding with faux Santino Hassell & harming Xen Sanders are more attempts to save themselves and do not directly address the issues at the top, much less act to eliminate the institutionalized cancer in their culture. They just talk about doing, like they have in the past & ultimately did nothing. It still went on. Unfortunately, now good innocent authors will be affected, but no more to Riptide & the authors involved. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  5. Thank you for the post promoting the author and her new book.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com


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