Review: Saved by the SEAL by Diana Gardin (Battle Scars #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Forever (Grand Central Publishing) in exchange for an honest review.

Saved by the SEAL is the second novel in author Diana Gardin's Battle Scars series and because the bar was set rather aloft by the first novel, Last True Hero, which I loved and gave a five-star rating to, my expectations for this sequel were high. I'm happy to report that Grisham Abbot and Greta Owen's love story met every single one of those expectations. Grisham and Greta were introduced to readers in the first book, although Grisham's role was far more prominent as Berkeley Holtz's best friend and the man her father wanted her to marry. This sequel is set about two years after the events in the first novel and has Grisham at a crossroads in his life, no longer able to be everything that is required of him as a Navy SEAL due to the loss of his lower leg while deployed. When he ends up saving Greta from getting swallowed up by the ocean's waves, little does Grisham know that she'll save him from a life of uncertainty.

I loved Grisham and Greta. They had this ease to their friendship that was always there, even when they were more than aware of their mutual attraction to one another. Grisham was a good guy in the first book, so even though Berkeley chose Dare Conners over him, he deserved to have his own happily-ever-after as well. Both he and Greta have issues when it comes to their fathers, though the extent of Grisham's problems with his military father were more serious compared to those of Greta's with her workaholic, former military father. Of course, their story isn't exclusively about their paternal woes, and we do get to see their relationship develop over a period of time, especially since Grisham is hesitant to pursue anything romantic with Greta because he doesn't see himself as the man he was when she initially met him.

There's an element of suspense in this sequel, courtesy of a secret admirer turned stalker who wants Greta all to himself. I figured out who it was from the moment those roses were delivered to Greta, but I wanted to see how everything would play out and how his identity would be revealed to the other characters, so knowing who it was didn't take away from the story. There was a moment though that I was tempted to give Greta a smack upside the head because she chose to do something without taking into consideration how it would impact her relationship with Grisham. But overall, it's difficult to find much fault in the main characters, both being highly likable and pretty easy to relate to. Two books in and I'm still enjoying the Battle Scars series. I can't wait to see whose story will be up next! I'm giving Saved by the SEAL 4.5 stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the Battle Scars series:

Last True Hero (book one) - five stars - My Review

Saved by the SEAL (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 08 March 2016

Date Read: 05 March 2016

Learn more about Diana Gardin.

Purchase Saved by the SEAL on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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