Review: Ginger's Heart by Katy Regnery (a modern fairytale #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by Rock Star Lit PR in exchange for an honest review.

He was a thief who’d taken what wasn’t his . . . 

    . . . and a fool who wanted what he could never have.

I make no secret of being a Katy Regnery fangirl and I've declared more than once how her a modern fairytale series is one of my all-time favorites. I've come to expect nothing but superb storytelling from this go-to author of mine, but I must say that she's reached a whole new level with this third novel in the a modern fairytale collection and has gone above and beyond, bringing fans and readers a tale of friendship and love among three best friends--cousins Cain Wolfram and Josiah Woodman, born within a week of each other, and Ginger McHuid, the girl whose heart they both wanted to call their own. Their story had my emotions going through the ringer, and by the end, I reflected on what these three went through and how deep their love and affection was for one another, willing to do nearly anything for each other, even if it meant setting their own happiness aside for others to gain theirs. Ginger's Heart took my cynical heart, made it flutter with anticipation, broke it more than once, then had it believing in true love all over again. 

My reviews for the first two novels in this series--The Vixen and the Vet and Never Let You Go--were lengthy and somewhat detailed, but it would not be fair for me to do the same for Ginger's Heart. Why, you may ask. Ginger, Cain, and Woodman's story is not mine to tell; it is for you to experience on your own. Each of the main characters have etched themselves in my heart, but there is one particular who, admittedly, captured it from the beginning and refused to let go. Naturally, I can't pinpoint which one it is, but suffice it to say that I'm not the only one feeling the way I do. Don't mistake my more compact review as a lack of enthusiasm for this book. If anything, I wish I could share every part of this book that had my breath catching and my heart squeezing in empathy, but in order for you to fully appreciate it, you'll simply have to trust other readers when we say that this is one title that you should NOT miss. I'm ending this review here, but I hope this is where you begin your own journey with Ginger's Heart. Five-plus stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the a modern fairytale series:

The Vixen and the Vet (book one) - five-plus stars - My Review

Never Let You Go (book two) - five-plus stars - My Review

Ginger's Heart (book three) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 22 March 2016

Date Read: 21 March 2016

Learn more about Katy Regnery.

Purchase Ginger's Heart on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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