Review: Patchwork Paradise by Indra Vaughn

Note: This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Emotional yet hopeful, Patchwork Paradise was a novel that I went into expecting to be heartrending based on the synopsis alone. Oliver and Sam have known each other since they were eleven years old and have been a couple since they were sixteen. With their wedding just a month away, everything is as it should be, their relationship one that others envy. But one night changes it all, altering Oliver's well-established world and throwing him in dark despair when Sam is murdered. Ollie struggles with his new normal, missing the only man he's ever loved. His family and friends are there to provide him with the support he needs, and when he's finally able to, at the very least, open himself to the possibility of moving forward with Sam, he's surprised to learn that one person in particular has loved him for years: Thomas.

Now, I know I said that this is an emotional read, and yes, it's very angsty and pulls on heartstrings time and again, but there are definitely moments that are far lighter, a lot of them courtesy of a couple of the supporting characters in the story. After all, this is all about Oliver's journey, one that was filled with love and happiness for years and then a period of sadness and loss. As he begins to work his way out of of the grief that consumed him, his life without Sam is not easy, but he tries to move on. He stumbles and retreats at times, but I couldn't help but want to hold his hand as he took each step, whether forward or backward. Two of his closest friends, Cleo and Thomas, never fail to be there for him, but it's Thomas who understands him in a way that no one else does, having observed and cared for Oliver quietly from afar.

There's an innocence to Oliver, almost to the point of naivete, and without Sam around to be a comforting guide or to take the reins, Ollie flounders quite a bit. He's also somewhat clueless, as Cleo aptly pointed out in the story, especially when it came to Thomas, who was nursing unrequited feelings for him. The story here really is Ollie's--from the life he shared with Sam, to the life he had to live on his own, and then the possibility of a life with Thomas--and I both cheered for him and wanted to give him a firm shake from time to time. Nothing is rushed in this story, allowing Ollie to grow and find his path, both as an individual and as part of a couple. Readers see Oliver in different stages of his life and his tale as an honest look at falling and getting back again, even when you would rather stay down. Four stars for Patchwork Paradise. ♥

Release Date: 28 March 2016

Date Read: 27 March 2016

Learn more about Indra Vaughn.

Purchase Patchwork Paradise on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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