Review: Hell's Knights by Bella Jewel (MC Sinners #1)

Hell's Knights is the first novel in the MC Sinners series and was bestselling author Bella Jewel's debut release in 2013. This book introduces readers to twenty-one-year-old Addison, estranged daughter of the president of the Hell's Knights MC, and twenty-nine-year-old Cade, vice president of the Hell's Knights MC. Addison makes her way to her father's compound while she's on the run from someone who has caused both her and her late mother harm. Having never met him before, things are strained between Addison and her father, but a different kind of tension sizzles between her and Cade, who knows from the moment he lays eyes on Addison that she's different from any of the other women he's met before and he wants the beautiful spitfire for more than a quick tumble against some solid surface. Addison is used to fending for herself, so can she ever trust Cade to take care of her?

This series starter was a far more intense read than I had originally expected. Addison's former life seemed like one endless nightmare. From having a mother who wouldn't have blinked twice at pimping out her daughter to fending off the sexual advances of older men, Addison felt like she was becoming the one thing she refused to be: a whore and drug addict just like her mother. And this is where my trigger warning is going to come in because there are repeated instances of sexual assault in Addison's past, so be aware of those before you decide to read this book. Now, if you're the type to be offended by rude behavior and crude language, you may as well skip, not only this book but every MC romance novel out there, because that's part and parcel of what they're about (though I honestly don't think that should be a big deal because you need to go into the stories already expecting these things). 

Addison is a bit wild. Okay, not just a bit. She lets her mouth get away with her and it seems that her default setting is to bitch and get in someone's face instead of taking a minute to look at the situation and listening to reason. There was more than one time that I found myself shaking my head at her, but she did grow on me and if you take into account everything that she went through, it's easier to comprehend why she is the way she is. Here handling of the Spike situation was her shining moment, and I think that it opened the door to a friendship that had seemed to have already been dead and buried for too long. Of course, if I had to pinpoint a favorite character, I would have to choose two: Cade and Jackson. Not did they love Addison but they knew when it was time to be the biker badasses that they were. I finally get what all the past fuss over Hell's Knights was about. Four stars. ♥

Date Read: 26 March 2016

Learn more about Bella Jewel.

Purchase Hell's Knights on Amazon.


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