Review: An Unforgivable Love Story by B.L. Berry

Note: This ARC was provided by Sassy Savvy Fab PR in exchange for an honest review.

An Unforgivable Love Story is my first read from author B.L. Berry and it's a contemporary romance novel that not only provides a twist that you never see coming but presents the story from an unexpected point of view. I can't really go into too much detail with as far as the story is concerned, other than that it's about Elyse Keener and how she's found her fairy tale come true in Simon St. John, the man who was supposed to be nothing more than a one-night stand but ends up becoming so much more. The story is told in four parts, with three storytellers. Clearly, Elyse and Simon do their bit, but it's the third storyteller who becomes the catalyst for change, and this person's appearance had me questioning the motives of one particular individual because they certainly had quite a few people fooled for far too long.

This was a really good story, and a creatively written one at that. I took a day or two before writing my review, wanting to be fair to all the players in the story. Having overcome my shock when the truth came out in the middle of the book, I think that there was genuine love that existed in all the relationships, though some were obviously stronger than others. These characters were all flawed and they went about gaining whatever it is they were after in less than admirable ways, but I highly doubt that any of them really regretted what they did since, at one point or another, they got what they wanted. Now, I'm sure my review sounds a tad too cryptic, but this is the kind of story that you can't give a detailed review to because it'll spoil it for everyone else. Read An Unforgivable Love Story to see what I'm talking about. Four stars. ♥

Release Date: 22 March 2016 21 March 2016 (released early!)

Date Read: 21 March 2016

Learn more about B.L. Berry.

Purchase An Unforgivable Love Story on Amazon.


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