Book Spotlight: An Unforgivable Love Story by B.L. Berry

An Unforgivable Love Story
by B.L. Berry
Release Date: March 22, 2016 
March 21, 2016 (released early!)
Cover Design: Najla Qamber

About An Unforgivable Love Story
Love is patient.
Love is kind.

She wanted to forget her past.
He wanted to change the course of his future.

She was everything he never knew he needed.
He became her unexpected.

Everything was perfect.

Until ...

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Read my four-starred review of An Unforgivable Love Story.

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Purchase Links
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

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An Unforgivable Love Story Trailer

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About B.L. Berry
B.L. Berry grew up telling lies. Eventually, those lies turned into elaborate stories and when she grew older she started writing them down. When she's not hiding behind her computer writing, you can find her spending time with her family or catching up on her favorite TV shows. Rumor has it she'll sleep when she's dead.

Residing outside of Kansas City, she lives with her husband, two children and black pug. Each day her family thanks the makers of e-Readers, because without which they would be living amongst stacks and stacks of romance novels. Conversely, each day B.L. Berry thanks the makers of e-Readers for hiding her book-hoarding tendencies.

Connect with B.L. Berry
Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | Newsletter

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