Review: Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw (Atlantis Rising #1)

Note: This ebook was provided by Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Atlantis Rising is the first novel in the series by the same title from author Gloria Craw and is quite an interesting and creative take on the mythological city of Atlantis. Being a fan of mythological stories and legends, I appreciate it when an author takes a well-established tale and puts their own spin on it and that's exactly what Gloria Craw did, targeting a young adult audience but then I've never been a stickler when it comes to reading age groups. If a story is good, regardless of the ages of the characters, it'll translate well with any reader age group. As far as I was concerned, this series starter introduced me to two main characters who I wouldn't mind getting to know more as the series progresses and had me hoping to watch their friendship progress into something I think it's meant to be, if only they would recognize all the signs.

Alison McKye is a seventeen-year-old who simply wants to get through each day without anyone noticing her. That's how it's been for the past three years after receiving a warning from a stranger at a park. She has no friends and the only people she really interacts with are her adoptive parents and her younger brother. Then she meets the newest senior of Fillmore High--Ian Palmer, and Ian's interested. Even as she tries to not show that the interest is, indeed, quite mutual, Alison and Ian are drawn to one another. But Ian's keeping a secret, one that he shares with Alison once he realizes who and what she truly is. You see, Alison and Ian are dewings, or more formally known as the children of Atlantis, with Alison be the only remaining member of her clan. Alison is special and the individual who killed her parents wants her badly.

I really enjoyed Gloria Craw's storytelling and the way she created the story of a girl who's only beginning to learn the truth about who she is and entwines it with the story of a whole secret civilization speculated upon by humans. Alison is seventeen and she's torn between wanting to simply continue leading the quiet life she has with her family in Vegas and discovering the secrets of her people and her lineage. Ian is the perfect partner for her, but they don't necessarily always agree on everything so they aren't this overly idealistic pairing. They grow and learn how it is to trust, respect, and love each other. Nothing's rushed. One significant supporting character was Brandy Palmer and her story was heartbreaking yet hopeful, and I wish she would get a novella with Jack Thane. Atlantis Rising was a surprisingly excellent read. 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 29 February 2016

Learn more about Gloria Craw.

Purchase Atlantis Rising on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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