Review: Macon by Marie James

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Foreword PR & Marketing in exchange for an honest review.

I know Marie James can write motorcycle club (MC) romances--the Cerberus MC series, anyone?--as well as she can sports romances--More Than a Memory and We Said Forever--and with her latest standalone, she's proven she can do the whole famous-person-falling-for-a-regular-person story as well. Okay, it's more of a kinda-sorta-maybe famous person since Axton Lane, who's in his mid-twenties, isn't exactly a country superstar, but he appears to be headed that way if only given the right kind of gigs. The regular person is twenty-one-year-old college student Adelaide Rose Hatfield. It's a flat tire and a pair of white cotton panties that have their paths crossing, but the joint road going forward is full of distractions and detours. Macon is all about the twisted and turbulent journey that Ax and Addi take on their way to their destination of a love always meant to be even if it did take awhile to get there.

Axton Lane has had one goal in mind since he turned his back on his hometown of Macon, Georgia and that was to become a bona fide star in country music. There's no denying he's got the talent, but then, so do countless others who share the same dream. He needs to remain focused, believing his destiny lies in country music's Mecca--Nashville, Tennessee. But all it took was a catching sight of Adelaide Hatfield trying to change a tire on the side of the road for him to veer off-course. Well, the flat tire and Addi's underwear. But Addi's no pushover and she certainly isn't some fangirl ready and waiting to spread her legs and allow Ax to have his way with her. She's got her own set of goals and her independent spirit and forthright way of thinking have her holding steady, no matter how tempting Ax is proving to be. Her brain says "no"; her body says "wait"; but her heart already belongs to him.

Slow burn romances don't always work for me, mainly because there have been countless times that the whole "waiting" period goes past a viable time frame and I'm bored out of my school. I also make no secret of my lack of patience. However, in the case of James's latest endeavor, I must say that she had my full attention from the get-go and I was happily surprised by how time flew until I got to the end and I realized three hours had already passed. I liked that Addi was strong-willed and that she had a good head on her shoulders, and kudos on Ax not being impossibly perfect. They're both imperfect and goodness, how these two were so hard-headed--communication, people!--but you knew that if they would simply open up and get their acts together, they made sense as a couple. After you read the five-starred Macon, do make sure to check out the author's playlist. It definitely sets the mood. ♥

Release Date: 14 September 2017

Date Read: 14 September 2017

Learn more about Marie James.

Purchase Macon on Amazon.


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