Book Spotlight: Covet by Yolande Kleinn

by Yolande Kleinn
Date Released: September 18, 2017

About Covet
Jack Mason—graphic designer and unrepentant player—has never been interested in monogamy. He certainly isn’t looking for romance when he meets Professor Colin Sloan.

Newly single and not looking for anything serious, Colin is intrigued by Jack’s offer of a physical affair with no strings attached. Becoming friends wasn’t part of the plan, but as accidents go, this one’s pretty great.

Peter Mason is Jack’s identical twin. In a long-term relationship himself, Peter tells no one that he’s falling for his brother’s newest favorite, even as the secret creates tension with his girlfriend.

When Peter’s relationship falls apart, he seduces Colin, fully expecting Jack to forgive his transgression. But Jack is keeping secrets too—he hasn't told even Colin that he’s fallen in love. Suddenly the twins are feuding, and Colin is caught in the middle, blindsided by the revelation that he doesn’t want to choose between them.

Now all three must find a way to share, or they’ll tear each other apart.

Read my four-starred review of Covet.

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An Excerpt from Covet
Across the room, Jack spotted a familiar face amid a cluster of faculty near the enormous windows. Jack sipped his drink to hide a pleased smile, taking in the real reason he didn’t mind attending this puffed-up shindig.

“Didn’t you tell me you’ve got a new crush attending this thing?” Peter’s question sounded too pointed to be idle curiosity. When Jack turned, he found his brother watching him closely. Peter’s expression was serious, but his eyes were bright.

“He’s not a crush,” Jack retorted without rancor. “He’s just a guy I’d like to get to know a little better.”

“A little more intimately, you mean.”

“That too.” Jack’s gaze cut away from Peter, back toward the windows and the object of his fascinated attention. “That’s him. The professor on the left. Curly hair, green tie.”

Jack probably didn’t need to specify. There was only one real looker in that gaggle, distractingly handsome amid an unassuming crowd. The professor was taller than the others—though not taller than Jack—thin as a cornstalk and smiling blandly. His suit looked expensive, but it sat a little too loose across narrow shoulders. His mess of curly hair gave an air of contained chaos, and even from halfway across the room, there was no missing the sharp intelligence in his eyes.

Even if Jack hadn’t already set his sights, he would have found himself helplessly charmed by the view. As it was, his blood heated, his imagination conjuring a dozen delicious images of things they could do together in private.

“The tall one?” Peter checked. “That’s the guy you’ve been yammering about for the past two weeks?”

Jack couldn’t account for the skepticism in his brother’s voice.

“Don’t you like him?” Jack’s tone, already low, dropped even quieter as he turned his head to murmur in Peter’s ear. “Tell me you wouldn’t fuck him, given the chance.” Peter’s skin visibly flushed, all the agreement necessary. Not that Peter would ever pursue someone when he was in a committed relationship—Jack didn’t have to worry about competition—but there was no point denying an obvious truth.

Despite the warmth written across his face, Peter’s voice stayed light and teasing. “Jack. You know I love you. And it genuinely hurts me to tell you this, but . . .” Peter’s hand clasped Jack’s shoulder, and he leaned conspiratorially close. “He is completely out of your league. He’s gorgeous, he stands like a gentleman, and I’d bet a hard grand he’s too smart for you.”

Jack grunted in protest and glared at Peter sidelong. “I happen to like smart men.”

“But you don’t fuck them,” Peter pointed out, infuriatingly correct. Jack didn’t generally pursue men who could clobber him in a challenge of wits. When Jack didn’t immediately answer, Peter added, “Besides, he’s not your usual type. What’s the deal?”

Peter was right about this too. Jack normally went in for broad shoulders and stocky muscles. Tall and lean weren’t his usual preference.

“It’s the curls.” Jack smirked. “They make him look boyish and charming.”

“They make him look like a nutty professor.” Peter snorted. “But a gorgeous one, anyway. What’s his name?”

“Colin Sloan.” Just saying the name made Jack grin. There was nothing subtle in the way he was staring across the room, but so far no one else had taken notice. Outside, the sky had gone dark purple, barely visible through the glass. “We’ve only met once, and it barely counts. He’s an English professor, teaches clear across campus. You can imagine how hard it is for our paths to cross casually.” Jack didn’t interact much with university faculty. His own gig with the marketing department kept him corralled pretty tightly to his team and office.

“And you’re sure he’s interested in men?”

“Not a clue.” Jack’s grin widened into a sharp-edged thing. “But I plan to find out.”

“Be honest with him.”

Jack turned and blinked at his brother, genuinely surprised at the rebuke. “I’m always honest.” It wasn’t strictly true—and Peter knew it better than most—but Jack still felt the need to protest.

“Sometimes you’re honest. Sometimes you’re a dick.” Fondness softened the censure. “Be honest with this one. He looks like a nice guy.”

Jack grunted noncommittally, but he would almost certainly heed Peter’s warning. He didn’t have to be an asshole to successfully seduce a college professor.

“What’s your move, then?” Peter’s voice fell low beneath the murmur of surrounding conversation. “You can’t play the tortured artist card if you’re going to be up front with him.”

Jack shook his head. “I couldn’t pull it off anyway. We’ve already been introduced.” Given Jack’s occupation—graphic designer with a fancy art degree, overqualified for his position in the marketing department—an air of shadowed moodiness had served him well in the past. But he had no intention of manipulating Colin that way. Even if he had, it wouldn’t work. Colin was too smart. “He knows I’m on the marketing team, and I’m sure he can tell there’s not a tortured bone in my body.”

“Well.” Peter took a thoughtful sip of expensive champagne. “Sounds like a challenge.”

“You don’t have to sound so sure I’ll fail.”

The look Peter gave him was wry and eloquent, as good as words actually spoken. The narrowed eyes, the tic at the corner of his mouth, the barest tilting of his head—all conveyed that no, he didn’t think Jack would fail. They were in perfect agreement, really. If Colin was interested in men, he would accept Jack’s invitation. Not just because of the strong jaw and good looks Jack brought to the table, but because of his stubborn charm. Jack was good with people. Accustomed to getting what he wanted, but willing to back off without rankling at rejection. That confidence carried him into a lot of beds.

Jack arched his eyebrows, and Peter rolled his eyes, exasperated.

“What are you monsters plotting?”

Jack glanced past his brother and saw Maureen approach. Peter’s arm rose immediately, and dropped across Mo’s shoulders as she tucked herself against his side. The two made an alarmingly attractive couple, Peter with his broad shoulders and perfect tux, Mo with her sleek dress and measured smile. Her jumble of curls had been twisted back from her face, leaving the dark line of her jaw bare.

Peter turned and dropped a kiss on his girlfriend’s upturned cheek. “Nothing.”

“Why don’t I believe you?” she retorted, but there was unmistakable affection beneath her dry tone. Jack couldn’t help smiling at the easy way they shared each other’s space. Of all the people his brother had dated, Jack liked Maureen the best.

Instead of answering, Peter brushed his thumb over Mo’s bare shoulder and asked, “Is it time for me to step up?”

She smiled at him, but it was a pointed expression. “There’s a swarm by the refreshments table you should talk to. They’ve got something to do with Third National. I’ll introduce you.”

“She’s right.” Jack’s glass was empty, and he gave it to a passing server, then plucked the unfinished drink from Peter’s hand. “You should go schmooze. I’m sure I can stay out of trouble without you peering over my shoulder all night.”

Peter and Mo give him matching dubious looks, then exchanged an indecipherable glance of their own. A nod from Mo, a clasp of Peter’s hand at Jack’s shoulder, and then they disappeared into the crowd arm in arm.

Jack knew he should do his own circuit of the room now that he was alone. In theory, he was here to sweet-talk donors on behalf of the school. Instead he headed for the wall of windows with single-minded purpose, one aim outshining all others.

A Note from Yolande Kleinn
Hi everybody! I'm Yolande Kleinn, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to the Covet blog tour. I'm giddy to be here myself, and I hope you're looking forward to my kinky contemporary M/M/M love story. I had a terrific time writing this book—getting to know Jack and Colin and Peter—and I can't wait for you to meet them too. Follow along for the chance to win a $30 Riptide Publishing gift card!

About Yolande Kleinn
Yolande Kleinn may be a shameless dreamer and a stubborn optimist, but she is also a proud purveyor of erotic romance. Excitable, fastidious, and a little eclectic, she spends every spare moment as far away from reality as possible.

A Minnesotan by both heart and geography, Yolande has plenty of experience weathering tough winters. Her favorite method: distracting herself with warm beverages and even warmer stories. A night spent with a good book is heaven. A morning free to write, with a hot cup of coffee close at hand, is even better.

Connect with Yolande

To celebrate the release of Covet, one lucky winner will receive a $30 Riptide gift card! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on September 23, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info! 

Follow the Covet blog tour.


  1. Thank you for the excerpt! Good luck with the release!
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  2. The brothers' dynamic proves intriguing!


  3. Thanks for the excerpt!
    jlshannon74 at

  4. Congratulations again for the release of this book Yolande


  5. Thanks for the excerpt!
    legacylandlisa at gmail dot com

  6. I hope you’re having an amazing release week! I will be reading this soon.

  7. Thanks for the excerpt, and congrats, Yolande. Sounds like a lot of soap opera dynamics going on in this one; makes for some good conflict and excitement. -
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com


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