Review: The Cinderella Fantasy by Sara Jane Stone (Playing the Princess #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Author's Pal in exchange for an honest review.

The Cinderella Fantasy is both Sara Jane Stone's new Playing the Princess series and it's her first independent release. I've read some of the author's previous work in the past, so when I was offered the opportunity to read and review this series starter, I had no problem saying yes. A fairy tale princess may be in the title, but don't mistake this book for a modern day spin on either the Charles Perrault classic story or the Disney version. Instead, what we have is the female main character who plays said princess at Disney World alongside here two closest friends (whose stories, I'm guessing, will make up the rest of the series). Lucy Linden's love life, however, isn't feeling too much like some dreamy fairy tale, not when she her fiancé disappears faster than you could say "and they lived happily ever after". Now, she's stuck finding her Prince Charming via online dating, but when she needs a bit of rescuing, it's Jared Mitchell who steps in. There's no denying that her brother's best friend is rather princely but if she isn't careful, she won't be like Cinderella losing a glass slipper. With Jared, she's at risk of losing her heart.

Both Lucy and Jared were likable main characters, with Lucy being sweet and still believing in happy endings and Jared a true charmer, even if he is a wee bit of a workaholic. I'm not entirely sure if I would exactly call what happened to them as insta-anything, what with them having known each other for years, but things to escalate REALLY quickly between them after Jared does his bit of rescuing during a disastrous blind date for Lucy. That aside, I think Jared was adorable because his feelings did appear to be quite genuine and come on, who doesn't want to be pursued by a successful and gorgeous man, right? There was a hint of chemistry, but I did want a bit more depth in terms of their blossoming relationship, even if I did like the more humorous moments. These two were also backed by a number of interesting supporting characters--Lucy's best friends and fellow princesses and her brother, aka Jared's best friend--and I'm curious to see how their stories are going to turn out in future books. All in all, The Cinderella Fantasy was a pretty good read that held a lot of promise. I'm giving this series starter 3.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 14 September 2017

Date Read: 02 September 2017

Learn more about Sara Jane Stone.

Purchase The Cinderella Fantasy on Amazon.


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