Release Blitz: Ruthless Rookie by Rachel Leigh

Ruthless Rookie
(Cocky Hero Club)
by Rachel Leigh
Release Date: January 23, 2022

About Ruthless Rookie
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.

Fresh off a plane from France, I was ready for a little reprieve.
After a wild night and a few too many drinks, I ended up in a hotel room with a complete stranger.

I didn’t think I’d ever see him again—boy, was I wrong.
Two days later, he walks into my dad’s office.

He was looking for the man in charge.
Instead, he found me—the boss’s daughter.
A few sly remarks about my family had me all too skeptical about revealing my identity.

It’s a good thing I held back,
because it seems he’s got an opinion about the Big Wig’s daughter, too.


So, I let him believe I was an employee, too.
A measly assistant with the curiosity of a cat.
At least, that’s what he thought.

Now I can find out why he’s painted this dark picture of my family.
And it’s time to show him that I’m more than a name in the rumor mill.

That’s all assuming I’m not exposed first.

Ruthless Rookie is a workplace romance inspired by Mister Moneybags.

Read my four-starred review of Ruthless Rookie.

Add Ruthless Rookie on Goodreads.

Purchase Links

Cocky Hero Club

Check out the other January Cocky Hero Club releases!

About Rachel Leigh

Rachel Leigh lives in West Michigan with her husband and their three kids. Coffee is her guilty pleasure, along with strong alpha romance heroes. Writing and reading are her passion. She overuses emojis and lol, and finds talking about herself in the third person to be somewhat awkward.

Connect with Rachel


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