Review: Hot Shot by Karina Halle (North Ridge #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Karina Halle closes out her North Ridge series with the story of Fox Nelson and Delilah Gordon in Hot Shot. Fox and Del have known one another since they were six years old, and twenty-seven years of friendship isn't something Del is prepared to risk should she ever gather up the courage to let Fox know that she's been in love with him for more than half her life. You would think that now that Fox has a girlfriend, Del would finally let her unrequited feelings for him go so that she can find love with someone else, but that's easier said than done. It's not like she hasn't tried to move on before. She's even gone as far as to become engaged to someone else. However, her heart only wants one man and it's the same one who's never wanted Delilah as anything more than as a best friend--Fox.

When Fox's girlfriend abruptly ends their relationship, it's not the break-up itself that shocks Fox but her reason behind it. How could it be even remotely possible that he looks at Del in any other way than as his best friend? He's never had any romantic feelings for her whatsoever, so his now ex-girlfriend must be dazed and confused. But then Fox goes through yet another devastating loss in his life, and Del is the first person he's able to turn to. When they cross the line between platonic and passionate, will they simply pretend that nothing happened and continue on being just friends? Could this be the push that Del needs in order to confess her true feelings to Fox or will this lead Fox to pull away from Del? To have a shot at their forever, they'll have to walk through fire and not get burnt.

Goodness me, but this was one angsty yet sexy friends-to-lovers romance. Told over the span of four seasons, this isn't about how Fox and Del became the best of friends. We already that's the kind of relationship they have. This book is about how Del deals with the man she loves having another woman in his life and what happens between them once that woman is gone and Fox's own curiosity about his supposed less than innocent feelings for his best friend are brought to his attention. You would think that with the twenty-seven years of history that they share, becoming more than friends wouldn't be too complicated. But Fox has demons that stem back from when he was merely a child, and when tragedy strikes once again, it'll take much more than mere bravado to save the Hot Shot.

Throughout the entire series, the author has highlighted the importance of family to the Nelson men, but I think none more so than here in the third and final novel. The romance between Fox and Del was as much of highlight of this series ender as was the story of these three brothers and how they've made lives for themselves as individuals while learning to come to terms with the circumstances of their past as a family and moving forward. My heart broke for both Fox and Del--Fox for his past and Del for her present--but their journey was one that I was glad I was privy to as we read their story towards a future together. Halle has more than carved out a niche for herself in the contemporary romance market, and she certainly continues to impress. Hot Shot garners five stars out of five stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the North Ridge series:

 Wild Card (book one) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Maverick (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Hot Shot (book three) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 09 January 2018

Date Read: 08 January 2018

Learn more about Karina Halle

Purchase Hot Shot on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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