Review: A Way with You by Lane Hayes (Memories with the Breakfast Club Kindle Worlds)
Note: This ARC was provided by the author via IndiGo Marketing & Design in exchange for an honest review.
I swear, Lane Hayes knows the way to my cold, black heart, thawing it with her sweet and sexy stories, one book at a time. A Way with You is the her second contribution to fellow M/M author Felice Stevens's Memories with the Breakfast Club Kindle Worlds collection. If you've read her previous release, A Way with Words, you may recall Reeve Nelson, older brother to Remy Nelson. It was mentioned that Reeve was moving to Manhattan in order to continue his real estate career in the more upscale market over there. Real estate and romance equal a great read.
Thirty-one-year-old Reeve Nelson has moved from his hometown of Elmhurst to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. He's tasked to work under thirty-six-year-old Leo Rodriguez, who has quite a reputation for being demanding and successful. As hard as Reeve tries to make his mark, he can't help but feel as if almost everyone else in the McAllister Group is waiting for him to fail. When Leo blames him for something he didn't do, Reeve decides he's done. But what was meant to be the end turns out to be the start--of what, they have yet to find out.
As angst-addicted as I may be, I do like the occasional drama-free read, and that's exactly what we get with A Way with You. Reeve and Leo aren't exactly that adept when it comes to communicating well in their professional relationship, but goodness me, these two were hot together, thanks to all the tension that tipped things over for them to cross that proverbial line. But there's more to them than two men becoming friends who are intimate. From family acceptance to taking a risk with falling in love, Reeve and Leo do have challenges they need to hurdle.
However, even with those issues they have to face, we don't get drawn out drama, which I think for this kind of story isn't necessary. I liked getting to know these two guys without any distractions. Their story simply made me feel good and satisfied, and at the end of the day, that isn't just a good thing to want from the books I read, it's something that should be necessary. If you're looking for a quickie M/M romance that I hope will leave as happy of a smile on your face as it did on mine, I hope you'll consider checking out Lane Hayes's A Way with You. 4.5 stars. ♥
Thirty-one-year-old Reeve Nelson has moved from his hometown of Elmhurst to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. He's tasked to work under thirty-six-year-old Leo Rodriguez, who has quite a reputation for being demanding and successful. As hard as Reeve tries to make his mark, he can't help but feel as if almost everyone else in the McAllister Group is waiting for him to fail. When Leo blames him for something he didn't do, Reeve decides he's done. But what was meant to be the end turns out to be the start--of what, they have yet to find out.
As angst-addicted as I may be, I do like the occasional drama-free read, and that's exactly what we get with A Way with You. Reeve and Leo aren't exactly that adept when it comes to communicating well in their professional relationship, but goodness me, these two were hot together, thanks to all the tension that tipped things over for them to cross that proverbial line. But there's more to them than two men becoming friends who are intimate. From family acceptance to taking a risk with falling in love, Reeve and Leo do have challenges they need to hurdle.
However, even with those issues they have to face, we don't get drawn out drama, which I think for this kind of story isn't necessary. I liked getting to know these two guys without any distractions. Their story simply made me feel good and satisfied, and at the end of the day, that isn't just a good thing to want from the books I read, it's something that should be necessary. If you're looking for a quickie M/M romance that I hope will leave as happy of a smile on your face as it did on mine, I hope you'll consider checking out Lane Hayes's A Way with You. 4.5 stars. ♥
Read my reviews for the Memories with the Breakfast Club Kindle Worlds books by Lane Hayes:
A Way with Words (book one) - five stars - My Review
A Way with You (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)
Release Date: 18 January 2018 17 January 2018 (early release)
Date Read: 14 January 2018
Purchase A Way with You on Amazon.
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