Review: Sin & Saint by J.M. Dabney (Executioners #4)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Michelle Slagan in exchange for an honest review.

Sin & Saint was a book that I had anticipated reading after I saw the interaction between Ellison and Eric Gant, nicknamed Saint and Sin, respectively, and Powers, Georgia sheriff Camden Pelter. The twelve-year age difference (the twins are twenty-one when they first meet forty-three-year-old Cam) between them was a point of interest, but not as much as the how, when, where, and why concerning Cam's finally giving in to his very mutual attraction to the twin members of the Executioners band. And after having enjoyed the first three books, suffice it to say that my expectations were high for this fourth book in J.M. Dabney's Executioners series. So, how did this novel fare?

Well... It had its good points. I liked seeing the dynamic between Ellison and Eric, each one equally protective of the other, but curiously enough, Ellison, who is older than Eric, is the one who needs a bit more the proverbial hand-holding because of insecurities and an incident that had him wary about the advances of men. I so appreciated that there wasn't any hint of jealousy or envy between the two of them when it came to Cam's time or attention. They believed he loved them equally. Their differences and similarities also had me fascinated, as is often the case when it comes to books I read that have twins in them. These two were certainly quite memorable.

Cam was a good guy, and he clearly cared about Ellison and Eric, though I did have an inkling that he may have loved the former just a smidgen more than he did that latter, but maybe that's just me. For such an alpha, he didn't hesitate seeking advice from among his friends when it came to managing a three-sided relationship. I liked reading about how he was nervous about meeting the twins's mother, especially after he learns that she's even younger than he is. Still, he went above and beyond for the two boys, and they certainly flourished with the whole daddy kink and Cam's need for dominating his two submissive lovers. They kept things from becoming too boring.

In terms of characters, I didn't really have much to complain about. My hesitation when it comes to the book, though, stems more from confusion as to which character's third-person perspective the story was being told from per chapter. There are three men here to contend with, and I think it would have helped had there been the character's name at the beginning of each chapter to clue readers in. You do figure out who's POV you're reading a page or two into the chapter, but it did get frustrating, and in the end, that took away from my overall enjoyment. The shift into action heroes for the twins also came off as abrupt and almost out of character for them. All things considered, the book faltered at times, so now I find myself giving Sin & Saint 3.5 stars out of a possible five stars. ♥


Read my reviews for the Executioners series:

Ghost (book one) - five stars - My Review
Joker (book two) - four stars - My Review
King (book three) - 4.5 stars - My Review
Sin & Saint (book four) - 3.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 03 January 2018

Learn more about J.M. Dabney.

Purchase Sin & Saint on Amazon.


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