Review: On Solid Ground by Quinn Anderson

Note: This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

For the life of me, I don't think I've ever read a book that had the main characters be the only two people trapped in a damaged building after an earthquake hits their city. So, naturally, Quinn Anderson's latest release, On Solid Ground, had me sitting up and paying close attention, and it certainly didn't disappoint. Did it make the earth move (under my feet... yeah, Carole King's Tapestry album is one of my all-time favorites, but I digress...)? Nope, but then that is an absolute rarity in my case. Was I wholly entertained in the one hour I spent reading the book? Why, yes, indeed-y, I was! Anderson took the office romance trope and turned it on its head, and I'm still feeling aftershocks.

Chance Crawford has been crushing on Kit Gibbons ever since he first noticed the gorgeous, put-together man on the office floor. Chance is waiting for, well, his chance, but the one time Kit seemed to be interested, the guy went back to keeping things platonic and professional. What he doesn't know is that Kit's had his eye on him for quite awhile as well. What's holding Kit back is his own fear of the reception he'll receive at work, and he needs his job and what he believes is an upcoming chance at promotion in order to continue to provide for his mother and siblings. Maybe it'll take something big to shake some sense into them, but could they still be standing by the end?

My favorite thing about this book was the original concept and the fact that the author pulled it off superbly. The earthquake isn't some mere event that occurs in the story. It becomes a peripheral character, one that pushes the main characters together in a way neither one of them could have ever predicted. Chance and Kit may come off as having not a great deal in common in the first few chapters, but as the story progresses, we find out that these two have more than mutual attraction between them. I loved the pacing as well, the book not feeling as if it was plodding along nor did it feel overly rushed or too insta. Creative and well-written, On Solid Ground gets 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 28 December 2017

Learn more about Quinn Anderson.

Purchase On Solid Ground on Riptide Publishing | Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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