Review: Cocksure by K.I. Lynn & Olivia Kelley (Cocksure #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the authors via Foreword PR & Marketing in exchange for an honest review.

One of my favorite authors has joined writing forces with a new author. The result? A romance novel that's surprisingly loaded with humor and enough angst to keep an angst addict like me satisfied. Better yet, this is the first in a series of books that are interconnected! K.I. Lynn, whose work has always made me stop, look, and devour, and debut author Olivia Kelley have created a cast of characters that had me becoming emotionally invested in the couple spotlighted in the series starter while itching to get to know several supporting characters introduced here as well. Together, they've given readers Cocksure, and if I had any qualms about Lynn being able to pull of a rom-com--if you're familiar with her work, you'll understand why this book was such a surprise to me--then one taste of this new novel would have squashed them to bits because this was a pretty fantastic read overall.

Thirty-year-old Nikolas Callahan lives his personal life by a set of rules: no take-homes, no repeats, and no feelings. He's upfront and honest about what he wants with the women he sleeps with. Some may think that they'll get him to change his mind and want to either date them or form some sort of commitment, but nope. When he spies the gorgeous brunette entering the pub he and his best friend frequent, he's immediately taken by her, thinking she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. A whole lot of flirting leads them to sleep together, and it's a night that Niko is bound to never forget. The Post-It attached to, erm, little Niko (though he'll tell you there's nothing little about him) cements that sentiment. He wants another go or two (or countless more) with the woman who left while he was sleeping. Seeing her at a bar leads to texts and calls, but she avoids saying yes to his invitations out.

When he does see her again, the last thing he expects is to realize three things: she's none other than his best friend Cameron's kid sister, she knew who the hell he was even if he didn't recognize her the night they slept together, and twenty-five-year-old Everly Hayes has done a lot of growing up in the eight years since he's seen her. She's had a crush on him for years, declaring to her father at the age of twelve that she was going to marry her brother's best friend. But Niko only saw her as Cam's sister and didn't even recognize her when they first saw each other. She lied to him, but once he gets over it, maybe they can get on with becoming friends...with a whole lot of benefits. Everly isn't looking for a relationship, not after her last one left her feeling betrayed. Niko wants more, but can Everly risk her heart and Niko's friendship with Cam with a guy who's never committed to one woman before?

I couldn't tell where one author ended and where the other began in this novel, and that's a testament to how well they meld in terms of storytelling. They've also created a couple of main characters who did a hell of a lot of growing up in this story. Neither Niko nor Everly thought they were looking for love, what more a happily-ever-after, but you know what they say about love creeping up on you when you least expect it. There was definite chemistry between them, and I enjoyed the banter as much as I did the romance and sex. There are a few complications that threaten their non-relationship (But who are we kidding here? They were totally in a relationship even if they hadn't acknowledged it straightaway.), namely, a possible stalker ex, Niko's friendship with Cam, and the ever-dreaded secret-keeping. Do they get their happy ending? Hell yeah, they do, but getting to that point will be a bumpy ride but it'll also be far from boring. I loved Cocksure and give it five stars, and I'm excited for Cam and Aly's (Alyson Payne, Everly's bestie) story, and I hope Jake Bishop and Grant Prince also get their stories. ♥

Release Date: 08 January 2018

Date Read: 08 January 2018

Learn more about K.I. Lynn and Olivia Kelley.

Purchase Cocksure on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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