Review: "Redemption Falls" by Kate Hewitt (Littleton #1)

Note: This ebook was provided by Victory Editing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Linnea Schmidt returned to Littleton, Vermont after receiving a postcard stating that she was missed. Upon her return, the sender, her own mother, seems to wish her back to wherever she came from rather than to have her around. Linnea knows her being back complicates things, especially since her mother has been playing the role Linnea relinquished twelve years ago: that of mother to her own daughter, now-fourteen-year-old Ambler. Adding on to Linnea's anxieties is her aversion to well-educated, well-to-do men, no thanks to what happened between her and Ambler's father, and one look at new Littleton College President Robert Sanders and Linnea's hackles rise up and she can't seem to help but be rude toward him.

Rob Sanders took on the post as the president of his hometown's college not because he loved the idea of being in charge of everything that entailed running a school that size, but because he needed to get away from North Carolina. There were too many painful memories and the guilt he felt over his late wife Rachel has been eating at him for almost a year. He needs a distraction and while his new job and his mom take up a lot of his time, it isn't until he meets feisty and defensive Linnea Schmidt that he finds his thoughts constantly filled with her. Are they both ready to even attempt at being friends and when their feelings grow, will either of them be prepared to do whatever it takes to prove that they're in this for the long haul?

Redemption Falls is the first book in the Littleton series by bestselling author Kate Hewitt and is about thirty-two-year-old Linnea Schmidt and thirty-eight-year-old Rob Sanders and their quest to find redemption after having made wrong choices in their lives, choices that affected the people they loved most. I liked that the characters were in their thirties and had both led lives away from their small town. Linnea was somewhat of a difficult character to have affection for, and I fully understand her aversion to guys like her daughter's biological father but the generalization was so extreme and her treatment of Rob for the first quarter or so of the books was terrible. I didn't get why Rob was initially so attracted to her.

The writing itself was good and the story was paced well, giving both characters time to grow into their feelings for one another and then struggling to figure out what those feelings meant and if they were willing to fight for what they had. While I didn't like Linnea a great deal, I did feel empathy for her when it came to her situation with her mother and daughter. That and Rob's own issues with his late wife's death were important touchstones in the story and carried as much weight as the actual romance part between the two lead characters. Overall, Redemption Falls is a pretty good book and one that piqued my interest in a few of the supporting characters, so I look forward to reading their stories in the future. 3.5 stars! ♥

Date Read: 25 April 2015

Learn more about Kate Hewitt here.

Purchase Redemption Falls on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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