Review: Uncut by Claudia Burgoa (Unexpected #4)

After having read, reviewed, and participated in blog tours for the first three books in the Unexpected series, Uncut was the first book I didn't get to review upon its release. I honestly have no clue if there was a blog tour for it back in December 2015, but being a fan of the series, this fourth book was automatically on my to-be-read and I finally made sure I had time to read it because I didn't want to read and review the fifth and final book without getting Matthew Decker's story first. 

When I finished Uncharted, I had a feeling Matthew's book was going to be an interesting one. It was clear that Tristan Cooperson, his brother Jacob's business partner in the club Thrice, had more than captured his attention and that somehow it was mutual. So, imagine my surprise when I saw the cover and read the blurb for Uncut. This was a very different story, with not just two but three main characters--Matthew Decker, Tristan Cooperson, and Thea Dennis--each one telling their story from their respective points of view.

Matthew and Tristan are both thirty, but while Matt is more than open about his bisexuality, Tristan, who also goes by Coop in the book, chooses to not disclose his, staying deep within the closet and believing that his desires are a disgusting aberration, a belief ingrained into him by his parents. But Tristan can only keep his distance from Matt for so long and when he finally gives in, he can't seem to stop himself from not just wanting but needing Matt. Even as their feelings move from lust to love, Tristan is still dealing with a hell of a lot of conflict going on in his head.

Now, you would think that the having that story line was enough to keep you flipping pages, an added complication is thrown into the mix: twenty-six-year-old Thea Dennis aka Agatha "Aggie" Levitz, a former actress who battled addiction and is trying to make a new life for herself. Both Matt and Tristan fall for Thea and soon all three of them form a triad. But if Tristan coming to grips with loving another man was already causing him anxiety, what more being in a relationship with a man AND a woman?

As always, Claudia Burgoa's storytelling was spot on and I enjoyed the overall story. I will admit, however, that this wasn't my favorite book in the series. There were a lot of things going on within the Matthew-Tristan-Thea triad and I found myself thinking that Thea's inclusion became more of a distraction to what was already shaping up to be one hell of a fascinating story between and about the two men. This isn't to say that this story was terrible; far from it. It's merely a matter of personal preference on my part, wanting the far simpler option than the much more complicated one. Still, this was an original take on a three-sided relationship and Matthew more than makes this a worthy read. If you're a fan of the series and all things Colthurst-Decker, you won't want to miss Uncut. 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 01 April 2016

Learn more about Claudia Burgoa.

Purchase Uncut on Amazon.


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