Review: Cotton by L. Wilder (Satan's Fury MC #3)

Note: This ARC was provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Cotton is the fourth and latest addition to author L. Wilder's Satan's Fury MC series and features the club president himself, Cotton, and the club bartender, Cassidy. I've been curious about both Cotton and Cassidy since they were introduced in the prequel novella, and I don't think the idea that they were together but a non-couple was solidified in my head until the second novel, Stitch, what with Cotton pulling Cassidy aside to have a private word with her. And of course, I've wondered about Cotton's nickname and an unexpected explanation is finally in place, so I'm a happy camper. But that's a trivial thing, and it was their love story as a whole that I quite enjoyed, even if there were definite times that I found myself frustrated with the choices they made in terms of handling what was happening then and there. This also carries over the story arc that began in the first novel, Maverick, which was about a rival MC wanting to take over part of their territory and Cotton realizing who was involved in the whole affair.

Cotton and Cassidy's relationship has barely gotten any attention in any of the previous books, so I liked that there are snippets of their moments together as they found themselves growing closer and far more intimate over time. We also find out about Cotton's past and the role his cousin Derek played in Cotton being chosen as the president of Satan's Fury over the expected choice, who just happened to be Derek. This was, like the ones before it, fast-paced so there aren't any long, drawn-out, angsty drama fests thrown in. Yes, there's drama, but it's there for a reason and it doesn't feel tedious. While I did love Cotton and Cassidy's love story, I now find myself anxiously waiting to get my hands on Clutch's story, which is due next in the series, because that letter he left behind was heartbreakingly sweet and the man deserves his own happily-ever-after. There are also other brothers in the club that have been memorable throughout, so I'm hoping we get their stories as well in the future. The more the merrier, I say. Four stars for Cotton. ♥

Date Read: 21 April 2016

Learn more about L. Wilder.

Purchase Cotton on Amazon.


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