Review: Slow & Steady by Kendall Ryan (Alphas Undone #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

Slow & Steady is the second book in bestselling author Kendall Ryan's Alphas Undone series and if you've read the first book, Bait & Switch, you'll remember Greyson Archer and a bit about the circumstances that Finley Sutton found herself in after the death of her husband Marcus. Greyson was one of Nolan Maxwell's Navy SEAL teammates and closest friends and Finley was the wife of one of their other teammates, Marcus Sutton. What wasn't mentioned was that Greyson was the team leader at the time that mission involving their team was in play. Marcus's death affected everyone on their team, but they could only imagine what his new bride and now widow had to deal with. Book two is Greyson and Finley's story.

Two years after his death, Greyson and Finley are still coming to grips with what happened and the void that Marcus left behind. Now a single mother to her daughter Maple, with whom she was pregnant at the time of her husband's death, Finley is forced to provide the best possible life for both of them and she's willing to do whatever is necessary--even taking of her clothes in a strip club. And it's in a strip club that Grey finds her. His physical reaction to his best friend's widow notwithstanding, Grey isn't thrilled about Finley being a stripper and he makes it his mission to help Finley and Maple out in whatever way she'll allow him to. Fin hates Grey but he's determined to earn her trust, and maybe, just maybe, win her love.

This was such a good story, one that built slowly, giving more credence to what was developing between Grey and Fin. Greyson piqued my curiosity in the first book and he was actually my favorite character then, even if he was only a secondary one, and now that I know much more about his story, my original opinion of the guy has risen higher. I love how caring and protective he is of not just Finley but of little Maple as well. I understood why Finley was resistant to anything Greyson had to offer, and the story did play out better with her not immediately falling for him. This book brought a tear to my eye more than once and it's definitely a swoon-worthy winner as far as I'm concerned. Slow & Steady receives 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 15 April 2016

Learn more about Kendall Ryan.

Purchase Slow & Steady on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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