Review: Suddenly in Love by Julia London (Lake Haven #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by Montlake Romance in exchange for an honest review.

Her heart was hammering in her chest, her thoughts racing around the sensations of being touched and desired, and Mia took his head between her hands and opened her eyes.
He was gazing directly at her, his eyes dark and blue. He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. "This is how it should always be," he said.
She knew exactly what he meant--every encounter should always be this intense, this full of need.

There are slow burn romances that are so slow you end bored out of your skull by the time anything worthwhile actually happens between the couple; and then there are those exquisitely written love stories that take their time showing readers how the couple initially relates to one another and how that progressively changes the more they get to know each other. Then the attraction begins, where one main character begins to notice the others qualities and attributes and how those make them feel in return, and from there, like blossoms into love. There are bound to be conflicts and disagreements, but the love will always prevail. That's the kind of slow burn romance that I crave and I found it right here with Suddenly in Love, the first novel in the Lake Haven contemporary romance series from bestselling author Julia London. This also happens to be my very first Julia London read, although I do know that she's made quite a name for herself in the historical romance genre. After finishing this first book, I can't wait to read more.

Mia Lassiter is twenty-seven and finds herself back in her hometown of East Beach, staying at her parents' place as she temporarily works for her aunt on a major home renovation. This isn't exactly what she dreamed of doing with her degree in fine arts but it's better than the failed life she left behind in the city. When she first meets the unkempt and moody son of the homeowner, there's an abrasiveness that puts her on alert and has her keeping her distance from him. She's also the first person to tell him exactly like it is--stinkiness and all--which is rather refreshing to someone like Everett Alden, songwriter, lead singer, and co-founder of Tuesday's End. Except Everett is using his real name of Brennan Yates and Mia has no clue who he is, not really being a fan of the music his band plays. Mia is refreshingly different from the other people Brennan's come across in the music world, and soon the two of them form a bond--but it's a bond that is threatened once the truth about Brennan and that he's at East Beach is suddenly made public.

Gah! I loved, loved, LOVED Brennan and Mia and everything about their love story. Nothing was rushed, nothing was overdone. It really felt as if I was experiencing every step of their friendship and romance rather than merely sitting by and waiting to be told what was happening. There was no instant spark between Brennan and Mia and that's what made it so refreshingly different from so many of the books that I've been reading as of late. I also liked that Brennan was thirty-three and was neither some fresh-faced rock star nor some washed up legend. He was feeling lost and wanted to re-discover himself and that love for music that inspired him and his two best friends to start Tuesday's End. When he meets Mia, he's angry and irritable, but she isn't afraid of him nor is she overwhelmed by his reputation or celebrity because she's absolutely clueless as to who he is. This allows Brennan to see the authentic side of her, knowing that she isn't after a boost in her popularity and that she isn't after merely getting him in her bed.

Mia was a breath of fresh air. Awkward and not really knowing where she fits in--whether it be in her world of art or in the world around her. Having someone she looked up to put her work down in such a callous and cold manner affected her deeply, but Brennan's belief in her and her talent gave her perspective. She's more like Brennan than she realizes and their current circumstance are quite similar: they're both at a crossroads, needing to make certain choices and decisions that may very well affect their futures. Their meeting and falling in love is one more impetus that has them contemplating what life will be with or without the other. They're talented and gifted as individuals, but it's when they're together that they find the clarity and focus they've been seeking in order to see that there's a better path for them to take alongside one another. With a wonderfully orchestrated tale of love, music, art, and interpersonal relationships with loved ones, Suddenly in Love is unsurprisingly a new 2016 top favorite. Five-plus stars. ♥

Date Read: 08 April 2016

Learn more about Julia London.

Purchase Suddenly in Love on Amazon.


  1. Great review! Thank you for hosting SUDDENLY IN LOVE today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours


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